Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
hour 22 occurrences, 17 verses, 20 songs
And may this consecrated hour | |
And new supplies each hour I meet | |
Cut down and withered in an hour. | |
Fainting souls in peril’s hour | |
Frail, smiling solace of an hour | |
I long to see the hour | |
In that last sad hour, ’mid friends so dear | |
Life is the hour that God has giv’n | |
Many a shining hour is gone | |
Nor know the hour of our relief | |
Oh happy day! Oh joyful hour! | |
Shall this bright hour delay? | |
The hour I first believed. | |
The hour of Thy return. | |
Till the decisive hour. | |
’Tis mercy’s hour. | |
When gladness wings my favored hour |