Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

go 92 occurrences, 76 verses, 70 songs

A sun that shall never go down.

123t The Dying Christian

A throne of grace, then let us go

466 Haynes Creek

I’m bound to go where Jesus is

294 Rocky Road

And all the world go free?

349 A Cross for Me

And go from my home it affects not my heart

100 The Bower of Prayer

And go where saints and angels dwell

134 The Christian’s Hope

And I must go, and die down in the cold and silent grave

260 Farewell Anthem

And if you will go with me

157 Essay

And let the poor pilgrim go home.

275b Roll On

And then go home my crown to wear

349 A Cross for Me

And then with Jesus you may go

399t The Dying Friend

And to my Savior go.

286 Heavenly Home

And where you go I want to be

549 Phillips Farewell

Bids you undismayed go on.

405 The Marcellas

But shall I therefore let Him go

270 Confidence

But whither can I go?

34t The Gospel Pool

Can you bear to let them go?

59 Holy Manna

Come, go with me to that fair land

505 Where Ceaseless Ages Roll

Come, on, my friends, and go with me

505 Where Ceaseless Ages Roll

For I must go and leave you all

521 Parting Friends

Go and tell His disciples

156 Jesus Rose

Go, fathers, and tell it to the world

401 Cuba

Go, mothers, and tell it to the world

401 Cuba

Go on, go on, we’ll soon be there

97 We’ll Soon Be There

Go on; I’ll meet you there.

235 Long Sought Home

Go, preachers, and tell it to the world

401 Cuba

Go, search the world beneath

300 Calvary

Go shepherds, kiss the Son.

152 Shepherds Rejoice

306 Oxford

Go, shepherds, where the infant lies

152 Shepherds Rejoice

306 Oxford

He’s bound to go where Jesus is

294 Rocky Road

I can but perish if I go

29t Fairfield

I forward go in duty’s way

67 Columbus

I go away, and here you stay

69t Minister’s Farewell

I go away, behind to leave you

267 Parting Friends

I go my way, and here you stay

382 Coston

I hope in Christ you’ll still go on

62 Parting Hand

516 DeLong

I hope in Christ you will go on

69b Farewell to All

I know I must go through great tribulation

179 The Christian Warfare

I sometimes go where others go

287 Cambridge

I want to go to heav’n, I do

274b Roll Jordan

568 I Want to Go to Heaven

I’ll go and tell him what I’ve done

113 The Prodigal Son

I’ll go, for all His paths are peace.

53 Jerusalem

70b Save, Mighty Lord

I’ll go to Jesus, though my sin

29t Fairfield

I will rise and go to Jesus

312b Restoration

If our fathers want to go

331 Jester

If our mothers want to go

331 Jester

In Jesus’ ways go on

64 Nashville

In Jesus’ word go on

284 Garden Hymn

In that bright world to which I go.

457 Wayfaring Stranger

It guides us as we go along

488 As We Go On

It is to heav’n I want to go

549 Phillips Farewell

Lord, above, may we go praying

80t Shouting Song

Lord from hence we would not go

50b Humility

Lord, I cannot let Thee go

74b King of Peace

Lord, submissive make us go

405 The Marcellas

Lord, we know not how to go

70t Gainsville

May I be well prepared to go

86 Poland

May we all go home a-praising

323t Mullins

My Savior calls, and I must go

271t Arkansas

Now I must go, where I don’t know

347 Christian’s Farewell

Oh, come and go with me

111t Journey Home

Oh who will come and go with me?

87 Sweet Canaan

97 We’ll Soon Be There

111t Journey Home

128 The Promised Land

345b I’m On My Journey Home

Or you can’t go to heaven when you die.

124 Lover of the Lord

Renew your zeal and onward go

367 Consolation

Say will you to mount Zion go?

160b Turn, Sinner, Turn

Sinner, go, will you go

175 Highlands of Heaven

Soon as from earth I go

47b Idumea

To prove our faith as on we go

488 As We Go On

To that bright world where loved ones go

206 Christian’s Hope

We’ll go on

35 Saints Bound For Heaven

When I am done, I will go home

347 Christian’s Farewell

“When through the deep waters I call thee to go

72b Bellevue

Where shall I go, where shall I search

89 The Church’s Desolation

Will now go forth to meet Him.

495 The Midnight Cry

Will you go to glory with me?

145t Warrenton

Wrestling, I will not let Thee go

95 Vernon