Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

follow 13 occurrences, 13 verses, 12 songs

All to leave and follow Thee

370 Monroe

And I know I soon will follow

465 Where There’s No Trouble and Sorrow

And still my Jesus follow.

406 New Harmony

And their works which do follow them.”

320 Funeral Anthem

And we still will follow Thee.

405 The Marcellas

As the narrow way I follow

465 Where There’s No Trouble and Sorrow

But let us follow on.

201 Pilgrim

Come and follow Christ, the way

144 Jubilee

His footsteps I will follow still

345t Jesus Is My Friend

Rise, follow Thy Savior and bless the glad day.

369 Send A Blessing

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

524 The Twenty-Third Psalm

To follow in their train.

123b Cross of Christ

Whisper softly, “Follow me

510 Corley