Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

among 14 occurrences, 14 verses, 10 songs

Among the children of Thy grace

540 Nidrah

Among the favored few.

67 Columbus

Among the foll’wers of the Lamb.

515 Federal Street

Among the wicked crew

67 Columbus

Among them clothed in white.

562 Infinite Delight

And sets her sons among the stars.

242 Ode on Science

As the apple tree among the trees of the wood

254 Rose of Sharon

As the lily among the thorns

254 Rose of Sharon

Chiefest among ten thousand

438 The Marriage in the Skies

Shall I among them stand?

96 Few Happy Matches

So is my beloved among the sons.

254 Rose of Sharon

So is my love among the daughters

254 Rose of Sharon

Some cast among lions, some bound with rough irons

116 Union

When it flows among the trees

118 Stockwood