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Burnham and Brown Memorial Singing

Jacksonville State Community College, Jacksonville, Alabama

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The 52nd session of the Burnham and Brown Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held in the Wesley Foundation Student Center on the first Sunday in February. The class was called to order by Kathy Williams leading 31b. Ed Thacker offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Kathy Williams 73b; Tom George 225t; Judy Caudle 61; Pam Nunn 186; Nicholas Thompson 200; Robert Chambless 32t; Philip Denney and Gayle Denney 448t; Rene Greene 454 (in memory of Rozlyn Greene); Nate Green and Norma Green 313t; Karen Rollins, Denney Rogers, Paige Harrod, and Karleen Williams 70t (for Barry Rollins); David Jackson 499; Micah Roberts 338; Lela Crowder 82t; Winfred Kerr 516; Jeannette DePoy 129; Larry Ballinger 151; Ed Thacker 511 (for his sister).


The class was brought back to order by Tom George leading 270. In a business session, the class voted to retain the following officers: Chairman—Kathy Williams; Vice Chairman—Tom George; Secretary—Judy Caudle; Arranging Committee—Pam Nunn and Nicholas Thompson.

Leaders: Scott Ivey 568 (in memory of Sonny Erwin); David Brodeur 447; Pearl Guier 448b; Samuel Sommers 184; Bert Collins and Glenda Collins 282; Isaac Green 242; Jack Nelson 266; Amber Davis 192; Buell Cobb 433 (in memory of Stephen O’Leary); Don Bowen 283 (in memory of his dad and Charlene Wallace); Lisa Geist 120; Cecil Roberts 48t; Cindy Tanner 177 (in memory of Elsie Moon); Sharon DuPriest 434; Judy Chambless 209; Jonathon Smith 131b; David Ivey 92; Scot Oliver 100; Margaret Thacker 97; Loyd Ivey 340; Justin Bowen 348b; Judy Mincey 475; Nathan Rees 353; Lauren Bock 172; Rodney Ivey 271t; Daniel Lee 489; Jim Neal 374; Paula Oliver 42; Oscar McGuire 556; Jesse P. Karlsberg 80b; Susan Cherones 300. Ed Thacker asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Kathy Williams leading 273. Leaders: Andy Ditzler 228; Lucey Rose Karlsberg 196; Sarah George 198; Reba Windom and Shelby Castillo 430, 542; Cassie Allen 197; Samuel Williams 534; Elene Stovall 558; Esther Williams 224; Ainslie Allen 112; Butch White 344; Alanna Blanks 551; Samuel Sommers 437; Loyd Ivey, David Ivey, Norma Green, Rodney Ivey, and Scott Ivey 418; Lisa Geist and Larry Ballinger 528; Daniel Lee and Susan Cherones 67; Tom George and Sarah George 422; Jesse P. Karlsberg, Lauren Bock, and Lucey Rose Karlsberg 419; Alanna Blanks and Cassie Allen 405; Jim Neal, Jeannette DePoy, and Lela Crowder 421; Bert Collins and Glenda Collins 378t (in memory of Ruth Daniels); Linda Sides, Oscar McGuire, and David Jackson 215; Nate Green and Margie Smith 101t; Shelby Castillo, Reba Windom, and Rene Greene 269; Nathan Rees, Jonathon Smith, Justin Bowen, and Nicholas Thompson 343; Cassie Allen, Cindy Tanner, Ainslie Allen, and Butch White 328; David Brodeur, Andy Ditzler, Elene Stovall, and Amber Davis 30b; Judy Mincey, Don Bowen, and Winfred Kerr 384 (for Coy Ivey); Samuel Williams, Esther Williams, and Jack Nelson 95; Pam Nunn, Kathy Williams, and Judy Caudle 318 (in memory of B.M. Smith). Announcements were made.

Kathy Williams and Tom George led 56t as the closing song. Kathy Williams offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Kathy Williams; Vice Chairman—Tom George; Secretary—Judy Caudle