Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Huntsville Sacred Harp Singing

Huntsville, Alabama

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The annual Huntsville Sacred Harp singing was held at Flint River Primitive Baptist Church on Saturday before the first Sunday in May. The class was called to order by Buddy Ballinger leading 36b. Scott Ivey offered the opening prayer.

After welcoming comments, the class organized with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Buddy Ballinger; Vice Chairman—Charles McCravy; Secretary—Amanda Hardiman; Arranging Committee—Lomax Ballinger and Linton Ballinger.

Leaders: Buddy Ballinger 137; Charles McCravy 428; Lomax Ballinger 32t; Amanda Hardiman 155; Judy Caudle 439; Richard Ivey 458; Jimmy Ballinger 565; Henry Johnson 375; Teresa Hope 361; Ken Robinson 108t; Vella Dailey 452; Gravis Ballinger 182; Cheyenne Ivey 217; Phil Summerlin 64; Bea Aaron 568; Brady Bahler 77t; Sue Shumate 354b; David Ballinger 196; Erica Hinton 141; Norma Green 314; Kelsey Ivey 432; Riley Lee 82b; Cindy Tanner 342; Richard Mauldin 66; Ron Harper 350.


The class resumed singing with Earl Ballinger leading 177. Leaders: Geraldine Sharpton 318; Ricky Harcrow 39t; Eloise Wootten 276; Nathan Rees 109; Reba Windom 192; Jim Aaron 503; Eli Hinton 268; Tom George 371; Joyce Walton 436; Kenneth Fannin 417.


Rodney Ivey led 343 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Emily Creel 454; Delone Cobbs 354t; Holly Jordan 47b; Mark Brown 274t; Samuel Wright 341; Syble Adams 398; Scott Ivey and Marlon Wootten 70t; Lisa Geist and Larry Ballinger 528; Steve Adams 378t; Christopher Mann 168; Carol Fannin 225t; Daniel Lee 203; Kermit Adams 99; David Carlton 228; Linda Thomas 391; Matt Jordan 30b; Daniel Bearden 468; Darrell Swarens 208. David Ballinger asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session was called to order by Charles McCravy leading 176t. Leaders: Larry Ballinger 91; Susan Cherones 186; Danny Creel 111b; Anna Hinton 300; Dennis George 215; Susan Harcrow 411; Samuel Sommers 522; Susan Allred 183; Lauren Bock 424 (for Loyd Ivey); Matt Hinton 564; Paula Picton 430; Shane Wootten 97; Ann Webb 171; J.L. Hopper 149; Jesse P. Karlsberg 120; Karen Ivey, Grace Whitener, and David Ivey 475; Michael Thompson 298; Rose Rushin 163b; David Ivey 195 (for Jeff and Shelbie Sheppard); Jerry Kitchens 312b; Samuel Sommers 112; Rodney Ivey 59; Daniel Bearden 304; Judy Caudle 310 (for Glenda Hopper); Darrell Swarens 324; Linton Ballinger 421 (in memory of Bud Oliver).

Following announcements, Buddy Ballinger and Charles McCravy led 56t as the closing song. Ron Harper offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Buddy Ballinger; Vice Chairman—Charles McCravy; Secretary—Amanda Hardiman