Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Elder and Mrs. Jason Davis Singing

Harmony Primitive Baptist Church, Calhoun, Georgia

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The annual Elder and Mrs. Jason Davis singing was held at Harmony Primitive Baptist Church in Calhoun, Georgia, on the third Sunday in November. Judy Mincey brought the class to order leading the traditional 59. Elder Bob Mitchell offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Judy Mincey 68b; Nathan Rees 60, 109; Ed Smith 101t, 288; Hayden Arp 32t, 49t; Leigh Cooper 225t, 176b; Charlene Wallace 63, 105; Eschol Hughes 348b, 340; Billy Hollingsworth 460, 354t; Jesse Karlsberg 274b, 167; Tony Hammock 321, 475.

A business meeting was held with the following officers elected to serve: Chairman—Judy Mincey; Vice Chairman—Ed Smith; Secretary—Helen Bryson; Chaplain—Elder Bob Mitchell.


Judy Mincey called the class to order leading 48t. Leaders: John Hollingsworth 186, 291; David Smith 176t, 301; B.M. Smith 64, 66; Eddie Mash 65 (for Bud Oliver), 151; Helen Bryson 81b, 112 (for Violet Thomason); Mark Godfrey 37b, 39b; Margie Smith 108t, 317; Fallon Cook 155, 146.


Judy Mincey called the class to order leading 178. Leaders: Coy Coggins 274t, 159; John Plunkett 154, 175; Hayden Arp 177, 408; Tony Hammock 55 (in memory of Mary Florence Smith); Judy Mincey and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Broye 45t; Leigh Cooper 203; Eschol Hughes 480, 58; Billy Hollingsworth 236; Jesse Karlsberg 345b, 275t; Nathan Rees 82b; B. M Smith 275b; Eddie Mash 425; Helen Bryson 313b; Mark Godfrey 209; Fallon Cook 354b; Coy Coggins 100; Bob Mitchell 235, 75; Nathan Rees and Fallon Cook 130.

Announcements were made. Judy Mincey led 62 as the closing song, and the class took the parting hand. The closing prayer was offered by Bob Mitchell.

Chairman—Judy Mincey; Vice Chairman—Ed Smith; Secretary—Helen Bryson