Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Ivey Memorial Singing

Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The annual Ivey Memorial Sacred Harp Singing held at Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama, on the first fifth Sunday was called to order by Richard Ivey leading 52t. The morning prayer was offered by Henry Johnson.

The following officers were previously elected to serve: Chairman—Richard Ivey; Vice Chairman—Shane Wootten; Secretary—Donna Wootten.

Leaders: Richard Ivey and Loyd Ivey 47t; Shane Wootten 89; Ed Thacker 436; Claudine Townson 39t; S.T. Reed 39b; Judy Chambless 549; Erica Hinton and Eli Hinton 534; Henry Johnson 179; John Kelso 214; Joan Aldridge 222; Eschol Hughes 480; Cheyenne Ivey 460; B.M. Smith 101t; Blake Sisemore 225b; Marlon Wootten 31t; Jackie Tanner 129; Karen Freund 278t (in memory of Jerry Enright); Jared Wootten 475.


The class was called back together by Shane Wootten leading 56t. Leaders: Scott DePoy 114 (for Barbara DePoy); Nate Green and Norma Green 350; Susan Cherones 268; Cecil Roberts 40; Virginia Eldridge 328; Dennis George 450; Stanley Edwards 455; Lomax Ballinger 168; Molly Ellis 383; Jeannette DePoy 430; Louis Hughes 405; Darrell Swarens 171; Angela Myers 456; Jeffery Wootten 270; Butch White 74b; Cindy Tanner 402; Linton Ballinger 421.


Blake Sisemore brought the class back to order by leading 30t. Leaders: Marty Wootten 280; Adrian Eldridge 499; Karen Rollins 227; David Saler and Teresa Saler 196; Judy Mincey 538; Loyd Ivey, Marion Biddle, Ivey Biddle, Adam Biddle, and Theresa Bethune 424; Rachel Rudi and Jane Spencer 548; Lauren Bock 144; Buell Cobb 330t; Eddie Mash 528; Kelsey Sunderland 389; Phil Summerlin 35; Leeah Cooper 472; James Eldridge 373; Donna Bell 441; Juliette Haynes 211; John Plunkett 391; Dewayne Wootten 317. The blessing before the noon meal was offered by Louis Hughes.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Richard Ivey leading 76b. Leaders: Scott Ivey 138t; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, Rodney Ivey, and Judy Caudle 500; Reba Windom and Blake Sisemore 216; David Ivey, Allison Whitener, and Coy Ivey 384; Laura Clawson 440; Terry Wootten and Levon Wootten 201; Matt Hinton 217; Nathan Rees and Cassie Allen 426b; Elene Stovall 215; Rebecca Eldridge and Katherine Eldridge 124; Paula Oliver 300; Susan Harcrow 200; Hayden Wootten and Jamey Wootten 546; Tom George 88t; Dylan Frezell 345b; Rex Wilks and Cassie Allen 378b; Ian Ludders 228; Gaston White 155; Brenda Carroll and Shane Wootten 442; Steve Helwig 302.

Susan Harcrow presented a resolution from the DeKalb County Commission recognizing Eloise Wootten, Loyd Ivey, Norma Green, Jack Ivey, Hobert Ivey, Rex Wilks, Coy Ivey, and Lois Baugh for their contributions to the Sacred Harp heritage and the community.

Leaders: Delone Cobbs 358; Zach Craig, Alex Craig, Rion Maxwell, Gavin Maxwell, Isaac Maxwell, Avalea Maxwell, and Anzlea Maxwell 27; Jerry Creason 56b; Scott Ivey, Hobert Ivey, Sylvia Ivey, Sandy Ivey, and Tony Ivey 410t; Aaron Little 147t; Teresa Westmoreland 192; Syble Adams 99; Eloise Wootten and Karen Ivey 454.

Following announcements, Richard Ivey, Rodney Ivey, and Shane Wootten led 146 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Tony Ivey, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Richard Ivey; Vice Chairman—Shane Wootten; Secretary—Donna Wootten