Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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State University of West Georgia

Food Services Building, Carrollton, Georgia

January 2, 2000

The annual all day Sacred Harp singing at the Food Service Building, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia was held the first Sunday in January. The class was called to order by Myron House leading song on page 90. The morning prayer was led by B.J. Harris. Myron House led song on page 113; Charlene Wallace 139, 205; Sheri Taylor 186 (for Naomi Sailors), 203; Evelyn Harris 87, 32 (t? b?); Mary F. Smith 103 (for Mozelle Sheppard), 123 (t? b?).

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed: Chairman—Myron House; Vice Chairman—Felton Denney; Secretary—Charlene Wallace; Arranging Committee—Sheri Taylor and Mary F. Smith; Memorial Committee—Everette Denney.

Leaders: Myron House 102; Bobby Jackson 34 (t? b?), 59; Jimmie Denney 61, 143; Phillip Langley 273, 81 (t? b?); Jan House 495, 335; John Plunkett 110, 374.


The class was called together by Felton Denney leading songs on pages 73 (t? b?) and 31 (t? b?). Leaders: Tommy McGraw 270, 37b; Henry Schuman 77 (t? b?), 225 (t? b?); Lee Rogers 409, 40; Jeff Sheppard 410 (t? b?) (in memory of Erskin Norton, son of Elder and Mrs. Lewis Norton), 404; Eric Tweedy 365, 383; Andy Anderson 77b, 31b; Teenie Moody 78, 39 (t? b?); Charles Woods 144, 99; Richard DeLong 403.


The afternoon session resumed with Myron House leading song on page 387. Leaders: Earlis McGraw 163 (t? b?), 271 (t? b?); Lonnie Rogers 318, 222 (for Vivian Rogers).

Memorial lesson: Everette Denney led song on page 119 in memory of Mrs. Jewel Simpkins, Erskin Norton, Grady Lane, Connie Stogner, Mrs. Dollie Hudgins, and Ralph Lassiter. Prayer was offered by B.J. Harris. Everette Denney led song on page 27 for all the sick and shut-ins and closed the memorial with prayer.

Leaders: Bonnie Flowers 76b, 512; Oscar McGuire 276, 441; Josephine Denney 75, 127; Hugh McGraw 81b; Martha Ann Stegar 277, 275 (t? b?); B.J. Harris 345 (t? b?), 445; Eschol Hughes 235, 100; Lisa Webb 148, 159, 178 (for Laura Webb Frey); Estelle Flowers 133, 290; Bernard Denney 112, 155; Henry Schuman 317, 532 (for Pauline Childers); Felton Denney 149 (by request).

Announcements were made. Myron House and Felton Denney led song on page 323 (t? b?) as the closing song. B.J. Harris dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Myron House; Vice Chairman—Felton Denney; Secretary—Charlene Wallace.