Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Mulberry River Convention

Liberty Church (McCormick), Jefferson County, Alabama

September 4, 1999

The ninety-fourth session of the Mulberry River Convention was held at Liberty Church (McCormick) on Saturday before the first Sunday in September, and was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Velton Chafin leading song on page 30t. The morning prayer was offered by Elder Ormand Rick. Velton Chafin led songs on pages 32t and 35.

The class organized and voted to retain the following officers: Chairman—Velton Chafin; Vice Chairman—Travis Keeton; Secretary—Edith Tate.

Leaders: Billy Williams 84, 299; Ruby Bowen 312b, 64; Wilton Donaldson 37b, 39b; Bud Oliver 42, 145b; Travis Keeton 276, 273 (in memory of Cecil Gilliland); S.T. Reed 134, 135; Milton Oliver 321, 314; Pauline Childers 166b, 89, 269; Furn Kitchens 378b (in memory of Charlie Creel), 345t, 343 (in memory of Annie Creel); Flarce Creel 389 (in memory of Vernice and Essie Calvert), 475.


Velton Chafin called the class to order leading song on page 78. Leaders: Edith Tate 333 (in memory of Hadyn Creel), 73t; David Roberson 340, 220; Eldagene Roberson 399 (t? b?), 81t; Jerry Ryan 145t, 354b, 146; Wanda Capps 503, 212; Charles Kitchens 326, 179, 385b (for sister, Mary Gardner); Cecil Sanders 294 (in memory of his dad), 225t; Harrison Creel 317, 512; Velton Chafin 45t.


Velton Chafin opened the afternoon session leading song on page 141. Leaders: Lucy Heidorn 136, 403 (for all the deceased), 155; Jewel Wootten 76b, 87; Elvin Guthrie 200, 201, 477; Marie Aldridge 217; Eldagene Roberson 144, 277; Marie Guthrie 222, 434, 192; Furn Kitchens 216; Milton Oliver 206; S.T. Reed 213 (t? b?), 313b; Bud Oliver 47b; Ruby Bowen 318; Charles Kitchens 90; Pauline Childers 234; Velton Chafin 123 (t? b?) (in memory of Lamana Bice who was burried today).

Announcements were made. Velton Chafin led song on page 521 as the closing song. Charles Kitchens dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Velton Chafin; Vice Chairman—Travis Keeton; Secretary—Edith Tate.