Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Liberty Church

Henagar, Alabama

June 6, 1999

The annual Decoration Day Sacred Harp Singing held at Liberty Baptist Church was called to order with David Ivey leading songs on pages 82t and 75. Phil Summerlin led the congregation in the opening prayer.

Leaders: Rodney Ivey 101t (in memory of Leonard Lacy), 482 (in memory of his grandparents, Eulas and Helen Ivey); Norma Green 569b. Shane Wootten was appointed as the Arranging Committee. Leaders: Shane Wootten 68b, 47t; Marlon Wootten 144; Lloyd Ivey 32t; Betty Wright 410t; Rex Wilks 47b; Linda Sides 39t; Lamar Smith 76b; Jason Wilks 30t; Linda Thomas 33b; Jackie Tanner 63; Patsy Gentle 49b; Sandy Ivey 503; Mattie Townsel 317; Cindy Franklin 475.

The memorial lesson was held in the cemetery at this time. Several songs were sung including: 162, “Not Made With Hands”, “She Is Sleeping”, “That Beautiful Land”, “Love At Home”, and 340.


David Ivey brought the class together leading song on page 224. Leaders: Richard Ivey 399b; Karen Travis, Rachael Shavers, and John Taylor Shavers 128, 145b; Bud Oliver 145t; Edward Howton 436; Joan Aldridge 276; Tony Ivey 139; Aaron Gerrard 163 (t? b?); Cassie Franklin 95; Henry Johnson 56b; Allison Ivey 178; Hunter Hale and Suzanne Hale 277; Phil Summerlin 35; Eloise Wootten 318; Marilyn Burchett 335; Eloise Watkins 480; John Henry Busby and Lloyd Ivey “Jesus Died For Me”.


The afternoon session resumed with David Ivey leading song on 36b. Leaders: Shane Wootten 155; Karen Freund 74b; Elene Stovall 99; Linton Ballinger 299; Reba Windom 208 (for Aunt Woodie Walker); Reba Windom and Hobert Ivey 426 (t? b?) (in memory of Noah Lacy, Margie Lacy, Andrew Ivey, and Ester Ivey); Taylor Cobb 310; Brie Wildau 300; Allison Stovall 192; Jerry Enright 42 (in memory of Eulas Ivey), 30b (in memory of Noah Lacy); Karen Ivey 137; Elizabeth Sheridan 65; Melvin Stiefel 512; Greg Freeman 70t; Darlene Dalton 454 (in memory of Mildred Bannister); Betty Shepherd 216; Betty Shepherd and Rodney Ivey 186; Edward Tanner 100, 45t; Marian Biddle, Ivey Biddle, and Adam Biddle 551; Coy Ivey and the Ivey first cousins “Trusting”, “We Will Sing With The Angels There”; Holly Laws 455; Nathan Green and Norma Green 66; Mark Brown 48t, “Beulah Land”; Dennis George 384; Susan Harcrow 269; Dewayne Wootten and Wayne Wootten 159; Ricky Harcrow 31t; S.T. Reed 271t; Sarah Harcrow 127; Lori Wootten and Donna Wootten 106; Rex Wilks and Russell Wilks 89, 68b (in memory of Elijah Wilks); Jarrod George 59; Coy Ivey 358 (by request).

Announcements were made. Chairman David Ivey thanked Shane Wootten for a good job with the arranging. The class was dismissed with prayer by the church pastor, Elder Tony Ivey.

Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Norma Green.