Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Albright, Cates, Brown, and Sheppard Memorial
Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church, Bremen, Georgia
Sunday, October 13, 2024
The annual Albright, Cates, Brown, and Sheppard Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held at Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church, south of Bremen, Georgia, on the second Sunday in October. This singing was previously held at Muscadine Methodist Church in Muscadine, Cleburne County, Alabama, however, several Methodist churches were dissolved in Cleburne County. The Albright, Cates, Brown, and Sheppard Memorial has been moved to Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church. Rene Greene welcomed everyone, and then led 49t. Oscar McGuire offered the opening prayer.
A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Rene Greene; Vice Chairman—Pam Nunn; Secretary—Donna Bell. Reba Windom was appointed to arrange leaders.
Leaders: Pam Nunn 63; Donna Bell 499 (for Momma and Daddy); Winfred Kerr 500, 515; Glenda Collins 566, 124; Oscar McGuire 34b, 171; Judy Mincey 468, 547; Barbara Brooks 119, 58; David Smead 290, 470; Bill DuPre 42, 107; Sheri Taylor 126, 148.
The singing resumed with Rene Greene leading 186. Leaders: Reba Windom 270; John Plunkett 271t (for Henry Johnson), 271b; Karen Rollins 297, 298 (in memory of Lonnie Rogers); Nathan Rees 29b (in memory of Shelbie Sheppard), 110; Lisa Bennett 346, 145b (in memory of Bob Goodman); Cecil Roberts 399b; Stefani Priskos 410b (for Molly Dektar), 440; Shane Brown 56t, 36b (in memory of the Jones sisters); Fallon Cook and Creesi Cook 40, 146; Shawn Taylor 240; Winfred Kerr 283; Pam Nunn 155; David Smead 551. Cecil Roberts offered the blessing of the noon meal.
Rene Greene brought the class back to order leading 299. Leaders: Barbara Brooks 101b; Oscar McGuire 573, 556 (in memory of Jeff Sheppard); Glenda Collins 454 (for her brother); Cecil Roberts 491; Donna Bell 196; Bill DuPre 349; Judy Mincey 182, 465 (for the DeLong brothers); Shawn Taylor 228; John Plunkett 41; Stefani Priskos 475; Nathan Rees 464 (in memory of Jeff and Shelbie Sheppard and composer, Ted Mercer); Lisa Bennett 48t, 49b; David Gilman 178; Fallon Cook 176t. Announcements were made. Singers in attendance related to the Cates, Brown, and Sheppard families were Oscar McGuire, Rene Sheppard Greene, Pam Sheppard Nunn, Fallon Cook, Creesi Cook, and Donna Garner Bell. They led 269.
Rene Greene led 46 as the closing song. Bill DuPre offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Rene Greene; Vice Chairman—Pam Nunn; Secretary—Donna Bell