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John and Loraine Bayer Memorial Singing

Bear Creek Meeting House, New Lebanon, Ohio

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The 6th annual John and Loraine Bayer Memorial Singing was held at Bear Creek Old German Baptist Brethren Meeting House. Songs were sung from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition, as well as a book of John Bayer’s compositions, The Dayton Harmonist, noted as DH. Ray Rechenberg called the class to order leading 34b, welcomed all in attendance, and thanked the hosting congregation. The morning prayer was offered by Jim Herr.

Leaders: Hans Bayer 207; Jubal Bayer 300; Thomas Koehnline 122; Keith Seidel 102; Tim Morton 5 (DH); Barbara Lehr 47b; David Casenhiser 99; Shawn Fenton 192; Liz Hayes 209; Donna Bing 49b; Kathy Manning 302; Liam Allgood 277; Sarah Lynne Gershon 112; Reuben Beery 547; Sally Beery 117; Sheila Patterson 324; Lemuel Duncan 168; Thomas G. Smith 198.


Keith Yutzy called the class to order leading 142. Leaders: Adrian Eldridge 175; Bertha Buttner 148; Greg Creech 33b; Claudia Baldwin 82t; Rich Overturf 373; Levi Duncan 178; Shannon Tibbs 56b; Tim Gregg 53; Clara Herr 503; Dirk Yount 21t (DH).

David Casenhiser led the class with a memorial lesson for the deceased remembering Steve Duff—Ohio; Peter Frank—Illinois; Curtis Cook—Indiana; Earl Ballinger—Alabama; Jeff Begley—California; and Reed Schilbach—Washington. He led 421.

Adrian Eldridge followed in a memorial lesson remembering the sick and shut-ins which were Ed Walton, Dominique Coulet, John and Karen Frank, Janile Harrel, Sara Loud, and Kelsey Taylor. He led 105, and closed the memorial lesson with prayer. Ray Rechenberg dismissed the class for lunch leading “Table Hymn” by John Bayer.


Jim Herr called the class back to order leading 27. Leaders: Tom Morton 313b; Rob Tibbs 49t; Roger Crabtree 448t; Kathy Manning 98; Connor A. 48t; Keith Seidel 495; Clara Herr 564; Shannon Tibbs 42; Thomsa Koehnline 436; Tim Morton 181; Barbara Lehr 268; David Casenhiser 385b; Shawn Fenton 480; Sally Beery 29t; Liz Hayes 496; Donna Bing 569b; Hans Bayer 236; Sarah Lynne Gershon 13 (DH); Jubal Bayer 344; Liam Allgood 106.


The Chairman called the class back to order leading 40. Leaders: Thomas Smith 7 (DH); Keith Yutzy 481; Susan Zurcher 535; Ray Rechenberg 71; Adrian Eldridge 502; Bertha Buttner 29 (DH); Greg Creech 74b; Claudia Baldwin 14 (DH); Levi Duncan 86; Lemuel Duncan 384; Jim Herr 546. Following announcements, Ray Rechenberg thanked all who attended and helped, the hosting congregation, the kitchen crew, and especially Mrs. Marie Huffman.

The class sang 347 while taking the parting hand. Greg Creech offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Ray Rechenberg; Secretary—Bertha Buttner