Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Winston County Convention
Double Springs, Alabama
Sunday, September 22, 2024
The Winston County Convention was held at Shady Grove Primitive Baptist Church in Double Springs, Alabama, on the fourth Sunday in September. The class was called to order by Glenn Keeton leading 32t. The opening prayer was offered by Butch White.
The class was organized by electing or appointing the following officers: Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Vice Chairman—Butch White; Secretary—Roma Rice; Arranging—Lisa Geist.
Leaders: Glenn Keeton 59; Butch White 287, 86; Roma Rice 323b, 225t; Faye Donaldson 78, 47t; David Godsey 77t, 282; Hazel Heinze 207, 569b; Nancy Phillips 276, 87; Louise Yeager 112, 426b.
Butch White brought the class back to order by leading 31t. Leaders: Theresa Westmoreland 234, 556; Mike Hankins 270, 527; Laurie Keeton 128, 45t; Betty Baccus 432 (for Margaret Keeton), 378t (in memory of Steve Adams); Beth Wallace 200, 361; Zena Tucker 63, 30t; Larry Ballinger 513, 157.
The afternoon session began with Glenn Keeton leading 89. Leaders: Loretta Whitman 176b, 406; Bridge Hill Kennedy 37b, 445; Roma Rice 412 (for Sara Berry), 388; Lisa Geist 394, 228, 472; Hazel Heinze 438; Nancy Phillips 196; Laurie Keeton 354b; Beth Wallace 365; Zena Tucker 127; Larry Ballinger 551 (in memory of Earl Ballinger); Loretta Whitman 75; Bridge Hill Kennedy 277.
Glenn Keeton led 267 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Bridge Hill Kennedy, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Vice Chairman—Butch White; Secretary—Roma Rice