Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Fox Valley Folk Festival Singing
Wheeler Park, Geneva, Illinois
Sunday, September 1, 2024
The Fox Valley Folk Festival Singing was held on the Sunday before Labor Day at Wheeler Park in Geneva, Illinois, as part of the 48th annual Fox Valley Folk Music and Storytelling Festival.
Jim Helke called the class to order at 11:00 a.m., welcomed new singers, and explained some rudiments of Shape Note Singing. We turned to page 18 in The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition and sang a few scales.
Leaders: Eileen Ferguson 34b; Megan Dunning 31t; Ingrid Nelson 45t; Jim Helke 565; Kathleen Taylor 47b; Sally Youngquist 503; Sarah Kierstad 105; Mark Bruns 117; Paul Hough 39t; Dave Barford 128; Eileen Ferguson 84; Nina Graham 89; Jill Muirhead 312b; James Sollenberger 86; Jane Murphy 410t; Ingrid Nelson 49t; Terry Cunningham and Lucas Pomeroy 40; Rochelle Lodder and Mark Bruns 155; Mark Dawson 236; Jim Helke 347. Announcements were made of local singings. Jim Helke dismissed the class at 12:30 p.m.
Chairman—Jim Helke; Secretary—Eileen Ferguson