Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Mount Pisgah Primitive Baptist Church
Evergreen Road, Sylvester, Georgia
Sunday, August 18, 2024
The Sacred Harp Singing held annually at Mount Pisgah Primitive Baptist Church on the third Sunday in August was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by Annie Peachey and Trent Peachey leading 59. Bob Meeks offered the opening prayer.
Leaders: John Robinson 45t, 47b; Bill DuPre 32t, 37b; Bob Meeks 73b, 72b; Bonnie Rewis 46, 313t; Oscar McGuire 34b, 503; Myrtice Meeks 129, 341; Trent Peachey 317, 37t; Annie Peachey 117; Tim Meeks 146, 77t.
John Robinson led 68b to bring the class back together. Leaders: Bill DuPre 40; Bob Meeks 339, 569b; Bonnie Rewis 445, 49b; Oscar McGuire 171; Myrtice Meeks 490; Trent Peachey 128, 570; Tim Meeks 542.
Trent Peachey began the afternoon session leading 335. Leaders: John Robinson 75, 452; Bill DuPre 426t, 472; Bob Meeks 491; Bonnie Rewis 63, 294; Oscar McGuire 276, 229, 485; Myrtice Meeks 282; Trent Peachey 318, 155; Kendra Peachey 358; Patti Beasley 341, 373, 473, 39b, 480; Tim Meeks 383, 178. Announcements were made.
Bill DuPre led 347 as the closing song. Tim Meeks offered the closing prayer.
Chairman and Secretary—Tim Meeks