Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Independence Day Singing
Union Methodist Church, Wellington, Alabama
Monday, July 1, 2024
The Independence Day Sacred Harp singing was held at Union Methodist Church in Wellington, Alabama. Rene Greene brought the class to order leading 46. Rene welcomed everyone, and then Tarik Wareh offered the opening prayer.
A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Rene Greene; Vice Chairman—Samuel Sommers (unable to attend due to his wife being in the hospital); Secretary—Donna Bell; Arranging Officer—Pam Nunn.
Leaders: Rene Greene 142; Nicholas Thompson 202; Pam Nunn 183 (in memory of Shelbie Sheppard); Rene Greene and Reba Windom 42 (in memory of Harry Butler and P. Dan Brittain); Cory Winters 353 (in memory of Dan Brittain); Donna Bell 186 (in memory of Eugene Forbes); Winfred Kerr 36b; Dave Farmer 333; Esther Morgan-Ellis 242; Cooper Sandefur 346; Joy Chamberlain and Paul Chamberlain 72b; Lily Hammond 163b; Joseph Denson 71; Paul Chamberlain 562; Emily Stutzman 567; Anton Popov 217; Will Fitzgerald 86 (for Sam Sommers and Beth Hall).
Rene Greene brought the class back to order leading 192. Leaders: Karen Willard 543 (in memory of Jeff and Shelbie Sheppard); Richard Vinson 99; Adrian Eldridge 36t; Rachel Speer 61; Rachel Hall 482; Dean Jens 429; David Ivey 110; Jenny Solheim 216; Ray Turner 299; Elene Stovall 436; David Wright 496; Edie Armstrong 294; Jim Solheim 270; Lori Rogers 30b; Cory Winters 222; Reba Windom 172; Lela Crowder 42. Tarik Wareh offered the blessing of the noon meal at the tables.
The afternoon session of singing began with Rene Greene leading 63. Leaders: Mairye Bates 148; Winfred Kerr and Donna Bell 77b (in memory of Charlene Wallace); Karen Willard and Reba Windom 542; Rachel Hall, Pattie Wareh, and Nancy Spates 440; David Ivey and David Wright 155; Rachel Speer and Cory Winters 271t; Lela Crowder and Adrian Eldridge 138b; Tarik Wareh and Dean Jens 377; Anton Popov and Lily Hammond 481; David Brodeur 373; Faiz Wareh and Emily Stutzman 462; Tammy Heinsohn and Joseph Vinson 178; Jim Solheim and Dave Farmer 454; David Brodeur and Cooper Sandefur 168; Mairye Bates and Paul Chamberlain 277; Esther Morgan-Ellis and Ray Turner 300; Lori Rogers and Nicholas Thompson 340; Rene Greene, Pam Nunn, and Lori Rogers 556; Rene Greene and Pam Nunn 269; Rene Greene 137. Announcements were made. Singers from each state present were recognized.
Rene Greene, David Brodeur, and church members led 45t. Rene Greene thanked the members of the church for their hospitality and the visitors in attendance. Rene Greene and Pam Nunn led 146 as the closing song. David Brodeur offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Rene Greene; Vice Chairman—Samuel Sommers (in absentia); Secretary—Donna Garner Bell