Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
New Hope Singing
New Hope #1 Memorial Church, Cullman County, Alabama
Sunday, June 23, 2024
The annual New Hope Sacred Harp Singing was held on the fourth Sunday in June. The class was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by Christopher Mann leading 101t. The opening prayer was offered by Christopher Mann.
The class was organized by electing or appointing the following officers and committee members: Chairman—Christopher Mann; Vice Chairman—Butch White; Secretary and Arranging—Amber Mann.
Leaders: Christopher Mann 68b; Butch White 287, 313b; Nancy Brown 335, 159; Jim Pate 128, 30t; Theresa Westmoreland 276, 99; Cindy Mann 77t, 274t; Tom Booth 30b, 31b; Roma Rice 229, 313t; Londa Pate 59 (in memory of her mother), 452 (in memory of Geraldine Sharpton); Buell Cobb 87, 82t; Linda Booth 361, 481; Amber Mann 75, 31t; Christopher Mann 58. A trustee of the cemetery committee, Keith Williams, gave a financial update on the status of the cemetery, mentioned recent improvements on the building, and thanked the singers for attending. The class was dismissed for lunch, and a prayer was offered at the table.
The afternoon session began with Butch White leading 499 (for Henry Guthery) to bring the class together. Leaders: Christopher Mann 146 (in memory of Carol Fannin); Shirley McKoy 358 (requested by her family visiting for decoration); Joyce White 480, 178; Delone Cobbs 379, 354t; Hazel Heinze 147t, 551; Amber Mann 282; Butch White 547, 457; Londa Pate 72b. Announcements were made.
Christopher Mann led 347 as the closing song. Butch White dismissed the class with prayer.
Chairman—Christopher Mann; Vice Chairman—Butch White; Secretary—Amber Mann