Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Cane Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Heflin, Cleburne County, Alabama
Sunday, May 19, 2024
The annual Decoration Day Sacred Harp singing was held at Cane Creek Primitive Baptist Church near Heflin, Cleburne County, Alabama, on the third Sunday in May. Glenda Collins called the class to order leading 59. Cecil Roberts offered the morning prayer. Glenda Collins welcomed the visitors and singers to the singing. In a business meeting, the following officers were elected: Chairman—Glenda Collins; Vice Chairman—Winfred Kerr; Secretary—Judy Chambless.
Leaders: Glenda Collins 32t; Winfred Kerr 36b, 225t; Abigail Cannon 129, 175; Cecil Roberts 37b, 56t (in memory of Homer Benefield); Robert Chambless 30b, 84 (in memory of Philip Denney); Barbara Brooks 58, 406; Bill DuPre 48t, 29t; Jack Nelson 128, 180; Sarah George 122, 171; Mamie Sisemore 388; Samuel Williams 569t, 411.
Winfred Kerr called the class back to order leading 89. Leaders: Shawn Taylor 34t, 34b; Sheri Taylor 75, 119; Blake Sisemore 497, 176b; Tom George 385t, 391; John Plunkett 371, 139; Daniel Williams 159, 448t; Shane Brown 73b, 373; Nathan Rees 42 (in memory of Stanly Edwards), 181; Paula Oliver 270, 540; Bert Collins 35, 142, 560; Judy Chambless 549, 340; Tom George 124; Blake Sisemore 425; Nathan Rees 374; Glenda Collins 454; Sheri Taylor 324; Robert Chambless 569b, 303.
Glenda Collins brought the class back to order leading 394. Leaders: Shawn Taylor 489; Paula Oliver 217; John Plunkett 285b; Bill DuPre 107; Bert Collins 124.
Shane Brown gave the memorial lesson remembering the following sick and shut-ins: Beverly Thompson, Barry Rollins, Karlene Williams, Margie Smith, Pauline Oliver, Marlene Redmond, Ralph Redmond, William Futral, Virginia Futral, Ed Thacker and Margaret Thacker. The following list of names of the deceased was read aloud: Jerry Shadinger, Allen Webb, Lettie Ann Driver, and Tommie Spurlock. Shane Brown closed the memorial lesson with prayer.
Leaders: Barbara Brooks 410t; Jack Nelson 438; Winfred Kerr 146; Shane Brown 49b; Samuel Williams 165; Daniel Williams 36t; Cecil Roberts 491 (in honor of Barbara Brooks and Cecil’s sweet wife, Sarah Roberts); Sarah George 95; Abigail Cannon 335. Announcements were made.
Glenda Collins and Winfred Kerr led 62 as the closing song. Tom George offered the closing prayer.
Chairman—Glenda Collins; Vice Chairman—Winfred Kerr; Secretary—Judy Chambless