Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Bainbridge Island Sacred Harp Singing
Seabold Hall, Bainbridge Island, Washington
Saturday, April 13, 2024
The Bainbridge Island All-Day Singing was called to order by Kevin Barrans leading 111t. John Wiens gave the opening prayer. The following officers were elected to serve: Chairman—Kevin Barrans; Treasurer—Emma Swartz; Secretary—Peter Schinske; Arranging Committee—Laura McMurray and Bob Schinske; Chaplain—John Wiens.
Leaders: Kristofer Ilex 82t; Emma Swartz 176b; Nicole Scott 101t; Bob Schinske and Sam Coxon 68b; Ian Suchon 72b; Doug Hill 47b; Julia Zaffarano 547; Andrew Cooley 159; Sara Hayward and Carolyn Deacy 276; Lauren Heidt and Kristofer Ilex 282; Dana Steege-Jackson 277; David Schmitt 569b; Peter Abrahamsen 268; Rosie Sokolov 217; Caroline Helmeczi 179.
Sadhbh O’Flynn called the class back to order leading 56t. Leaders: David Wright 326; Steve Luttinen 74t; Evangeline Nelsen, Kelsey Nelsen, and Kristofer Ilex 186; Peter Schinske 155; Thom Fahrbach 460 (for Kelly Kennedy, Autumn, and Ken); Karen Willard 564; Jamie Dawson 74b; Edouard Beaudry 188; Lindy Groening 182; John Berendzen 396; John Wiens 522; Chris Noren 263 (for Pat Coghlan).
Thom Fahrbach called the class back to order leading 399b. Leaders: Claire Hogan 332; Mike Rasmussen and Laura Summerhays 236; Jenna Tompkins 532; Sadhbh O’Flynn 542; Paul Large-Chamberlain 498; Tamara Wallace 163b; Sean MacPherson 213b; Betsy Jeronen 330b; Kim Lusk and Kevin Barrans 55 (in memory of Tahini Barrans-Lusk); Kevin Barrans 434; Laura McMurray 512 (in memory of Jeff Begley); Kristofer Ilex 492 (for Pat Coghlan); Emma Swartz 89; Caroline Helmeczi 224; Ian Suchon 383; Karen Willard 485 (for Ted Johnson); Peter Schinske 454. John Wiens gave the noon blessing.
Ian Suchon called the class back to order leading 270. Leaders: Nicole Scott 122; Julia Zaffarano 440; Steve Luttinen 372; John Wiens 56b; Carolyn Deacy 212 (for Pat Coghlan, Jeff Begley, and Ted Johnson); David Schmitt 216; David Wright 191; Lindy Groening 214; Mike Rasmussen 377; Sadhbh O’Flynn 506; Sean MacPherson 271t; Claire Hogan 505; Edouard Beaudry 245; Carrie Walker 318; Jenna Tompkins 551; Chris Noren 187; Bob Schinske 456; Paul Large-Chamberlain 32t; Betsy Jeronen 422; Rosie Sokolov 337; Jamie Dawson 423; Thom Fahrbach 177.
Peter Abrahamsen called the class back to order leading 45t. Leaders: Andrew Cooley 312b; Doug Hill 313b; Kevin Barrans 376; Dana Steege-Jackson 58; Tamara Wallace 344; Laura McMurray 39t; Peter Abrahamsen 38b; Steve Luttinen 399t; Sadhbh O’Flynn 274t; David Schmitt 448t; Julia Zaffarano 378b; Mike Rasmussen 481; John Wiens 81t.
A business meeting was held to hear committee reports. The treasurer reported that expenses were met. The Secretary announced fifty-eight singers, from seven states and British Columbia, singing eighty-five tunes. The resolutions committee, David Schmitt and Julia Zaffarano, thanked the officers and volunteers. The meeting was closed. Announcements were made.
Kevin Barrans led 348b as the closing song, while the class took the parting hand. John Wiens offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Kevin Barrans; Secretary—Peter Schinske