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Godsey Sisters and Sandra Spradlin
Memorial Singing

Shady Grove Primitive Baptist Church, Double Springs, Alabama

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Godsey Sisters and Sandra Spradlin Memorial Singing in honor of Leona Horton, Maude Adams, Delia Watts, Mina Adams, and Sandra Spradlin was held at Shady Grove Primitive Baptist Church in Double Springs, Alabama. The class was called to order by Mike Hankins leading 49t. Butch White offered the morning prayer. The class was organized and the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Mike Hankins; Vice-Chairman—Butch White; Arranging Committee—Lisa Geist; Secretary—Roma Rice.

Leaders: Mike Hankins 34b; Butch White 287, 313b; Roma Rice 323b, 566; Linda Booth 166, 350; Nancy Phillips 63, 388; Chris Ballinger 146, 512; Louise Yeager 276 (for Margaret Keeton), 426b; Teresa Westmoreland 200, 299.


Butch White called the class back to order leading 86. Leaders: Tim Gregg l0lt, 513; Zena Tucker 73t, 317; Loretta Whitman 454, 176b; Beth Wallace 177 (for Earl Ballinger), 442; Betty Baccus 391 (in memory of her sister and Sandra Spradlin), 430 (for Faye Donaldson); Junior Poston 275b, 129.


Mike Hankins began the afternoon session leading 56t. Leaders: Amber Davis 373 (for her mother), 422 (for Margaret Keeton); Faye Donaldson 78, 225t; Larry Ballinger 551, 97 (for Earl Ballinger); Julie Poston 145b, 343; Lisa Geist 528, 542; Nancy Phillips 196; Zena Tucker 30t.

Mike Hankins led 45t as the closing song and dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Mike Hankins; Vice Chairman—Butch White; Secretary—Roma Rice