Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Olympia Sacred Harp Singing
Prosperity Grange, Olympia, Washington
Saturday, March 9, 2024
The annual Olympia All-Day Sacred Harp Singing was held at The Prosperity Grange in Olympia, Washington, on Saturday before the second Sunday in March. Songs were called from the The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. The class was called to order by Jenna Tompkins leading 46. Rosie Sokolov offered the opening prayer. This singing utilized the double song lesson in memory of the late singer, Solomon Ossa. Arrangements for leading order were made by Ian Suchon and Chris Noren.
Leaders: Chris Noren 287, 67; Marla Elliott 523, 143; Erik Schwab 106, 61; Anne Huckins 350, 276; Ian Suchon 34b, 101t; Thom Fahrbach 82b, 184; Paul Large-Chamberlain 30t, 72b; Rosie Sokolov 43, 39t; Karen Willard 568, 351 (in honor of Pat Coughlan and in memory of Steve Helwig); Doug Hill 410b, 36t.
The second session was brought to order by John Berendzen leading 159. Leaders: Kristofer Ilex 324, 73t; Susan Helf 163b, 86; Kate Fine 254; Jenna Tompkins 300, 378b; Mischa Skeeter 372, 178; Paul Large-Chamberlain 430, 428; John Berendzen 411, 506; Chris Noren 273, 236; Anne Huckins 114, 66; Marla Elliott 503, 347; Erik Schwab 103, 146; Rosie Sokolov 47t, 142; Karen Willard 117, 495; Doug Hill 48t; Thom Fahrbach 74b, 83t. Rosie Sokolov asked a blessing before the meal.
The afternoon session was brought to order by Paul Large Chamberlain leading 49t. Leaders: Kate Fine 163t, 532; Nicole Scott 76b, 80t; Kristofer Ilex 328, 345b; Mischa Skeeter 448b, 535; Ian Suchon 58, 434; John Berendzen 100, 482; Susan Helf 284, 38t; Leland Ross and Erik Schwab 232, 35; Nicole Scott 442, 128; Jenna Tompkins 455, 454; Rosie Sokolov 60.
The day’s final session was brought to order by Kristofer Ilex leading 42. Leaders: Karen Willard 294; Chris Noren 472; Marla Elliott 475; Kate Fine 32t; Thom Fahrbach 422; Anne Huckins 112; Erik Schwab 373; Doug Hill 326; Ian Suchon 196; Mischa Skeeter 448t; Susan Helf 313b; Leland Ross and Chris Noren 127; Nicole Scott 129; John Berendzen 34t; Kristofer Ilex 376; Paul Large-Chamberlain 192; Rosie Sokolov 499; Kate Fine 489; Anne Huckins 549.
A business meeting was held. Marla Elliott, the resolutions officer, thanked officers and committee members for their service, thanked the cooks for bringing a bounty of food, thanked the members of the class who had keyed throughout the day, thanked Ian Suchon and Chris Noren for arranging, and resolved to meet again next year. Marla Elliott, the treasury officer, gave the treasury report stating that expenses had been met. Deb Koch gave the secretary’s report stating that eighteen leaders led ninety-three songs. The meeting was closed. Announcements were made.
Jenna Tompkins led 267 as the closing song. Rosie Sokolov delivered the closing prayer. The class was dismissed.
Chairperson—Jenna Tompkins; Secretary—Deb Koch