Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Appalachian Studies Association Singing

Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina

Friday, March 8, 2024

This special singing was held in conjunction with the 47th annual conference of the Appalachian Studies Association. About thirty-five singers participated, most of whom were new to the tradition. At 4:00 p.m., Jonathon Smith gave a brief account of the history and introduced the shapes. The class was then called to order by Esther Morgan-Ellis leading 82t. Song selections were from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. Arrangements for leading order were made by Abigail Cannon.

Leaders: Esther Morgan-Ellis 36b; Jonathon Smith 47t, 146; Lily Hammond 159, 178; Jane Cannon 31t, 32t; Emma Parrish 49b, 59; Will Peebles 47b; Chris Wilhelm 38t, 344; Mary Baumeister 28t, 51; Abigail Cannon and Hilary Beaupre 42, 277.


Esther Morgan-Ellis called the class back to order leading 179. Leaders: Esther Morgan-Ellis 89; Jonathon Smith 192, 129; Lily Hammond 46, 117; Jane Cannon 128, 312b; Emma Parrish 163b, 148; Mary Baumeister and Thomas Hilton 162, 66; Abigail Cannon and Kelly West 448b, 30t; Jane Cannon 548; Chris Wilhelm 500; Mary Baumeister 501; Esther Morgan-Ellis and Amber Robinson 270. Esther Morgan-Ellis led 347 as the closing song. Abigail Cannon offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Esther Morgan-Ellis; Secretary—Jonathon Smith