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Chicago Anniversary Singing

Kilbourn Park, Chicago, Illinois

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The 40th Chicago Anniversary Singing was held at Kilbourn Park, Chicago, Illinois, on the second Sunday in January. Eileen Ferguson called the class to order at 10:00 a.m. leading 34b. Rochelle Lodder offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Ginny Landgraf 77b; Mary Rogel and Jim Swanson 28b; Randy Neufeld 171; Doug Stapleton 178; Michael Mosley 186; Susan Geil 81b; Jim Helke 335; Mark Bowman 86; Dave Barford 200; Rochelle Lodder 276; Jerry Gripshover 84.

A business meeting was held to elect the following officers: Chairman—Ginny Landgraf; Vice Chairman—Dave Barford and Debbie Barford; Secretary—Mary Rogel.

Leaders: Brady Santoro 324; Scott Luscombe 47b; Lisa Grayson 112; Anne Missavage 217; Marian Mitchell 228.


Eileen Ferguson called the class to order leading 334. Leaders: Ben Zucker 330b; Cecilia Kramer 39t; Ginny Landgraf 341; Jim Swanson 454; Randy Neufeld 29t; Doug Stapleton 440; Michael Mosley 411; Susan Geil 474; Jim Helke 309; Mark Bowman 485; Dave Barford 163t; Rochelle Lodder 472; Jerry Gripshover 538; Brady Santoro 455; Scott Luscombe 38t.


Mary Rogel called the class to order leading 464. Leaders: Anne Missavage 181; Marian Mitchell 481; Eileen Ferguson 501; Ben Zucker 118.

The memorial lesson was offered by Lisa Grayson, who led 448t in memory of the following list of names of the deceased: Carol Ruth Kimmel and Melanie Hauff—Illinois; Lila Anne Mitchell—New York; Becky Browne—Missouri; P. Dan Brittain—Arkansas; Juanita Beasley—Alabama. Doug Stapleton led 216 for the following list of names of the sick and shut-ins: Ted Johnson, Marcia Johnson, Judy Hauff, Mary Owen, Gary Gronau, Anni Flight, and Steve Warner. Cecilia Kramer offered a prayer.

Leaders: Cecilia Kramer 180; Ginny Landgraf 297; Jim Swanson 176b; Randy Neufeld 99; Doug Stapleton 163b. Cecilia Kramer offered grace before the noon meal.


Mary Rogel brought the class back to order leading 534. Leaders: Michael Mosley 101t; Anne Heider 150; Matthew Seifert 548; Lisa Grayson 528; Susan Geil 31t; Jim Helke 37b; Mark Bowman 362; John Seaton 47t; Dave Barford 209; Rochelle Lodder 504; Jerry Gripshover 268; Brady Santoro 236; Randy Neufeld 496; Marian Mitchell 208; Mark Dawson 299; Scott Luscombe 506; Anne Missavage 280; Ben Zucker 151.


Jim Helke called the class to order leading 480. Leaders: Cecilia Kramer 444; Jim Swanson 536.

Ginny Landgraf gave a lesson in honor of the Founders, and led 547. Founders of the Chicago Singing include Ted Mercer, Ted Johnson, Marcia Johnson, Judy Hauff, Wendy Wahn, Larry Nothwehr, Herb Schroeder, Sarah Joan Davie, Terry Cunningham, Ginny Warren, and Kris Richardson.

Leaders: Anne Heider 273; Matthew Seifert 448b; Scott Luscombe 334; Anne Missavage 430; Marian Mitchell 313b; John Seaton 101b; Mark Dawson 361; Michael Mosley 378t; Lisa Grayson 378b; Doug Stapleton 107.

Mark Bowman spoke on behalf of the Resolutions Committee and thanked the many people who made this singing possible. Ginny Landgraf announced that the 2025 Winter Singing Workshops held the day before the Chicago Anniversary Singing will be chaired by Matthew Seifert, and then she called for reports from the Finance Committee and the Secretary and opened the floor for announcements. Ginny Landgraf and Dave Barford led 347 as we took the parting hand. John Seaton dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairperson—Ginny Landgraf; Vice Chairpersons—Dave Barford and Debbie Barford; 2025 Workshop Chairman—Matthew Seifert; Finance Committee—Randy Neufeld; Arranging Committee—Jim Swanson; Chaplains—Rochelle Lodder, Cecilia Kramer, and John Seaton; Resolutions Committee—Mark Bowman; Secretary—Mary Rogel