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Denney Memorial

Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church, Carrollton, Georgia

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The annual Denney Memorial was held on Saturday before the first Sunday in November. Wyatt Denney and Weston Denney called the class to order leading 82t. Jack Nelson offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Wyatt Denney and Weston Denney 40; Laura Frey 163b (in memory of Philip Denney), 358; Karis Askin 49t, 313b; Denney Rogers 143, 345t; Bill Denney 268, 47b; Kacy Cook 87 (in memory of PawPaw Felton Denney), 145b; Karen Rollins and Paige Harrod 153 (in memory of Grandmaw), 405 (in memory of Grandpaw); Bill Denney, Gail Denney, Denney Rogers, Karen Rollins, Paige Harrod, Julie Denney, Kacy Cook, Karis Askin, Lee Denney, Wyatt Denney, Weston Denney 77t (in memory of The Denney Family), 340 (in memory of MamaJo Josephine Denney); Sarah George and James George 67, 100; Oscar McGuire 276, 441; Riley McKibben 354t, 354b.


The class was brought back to order by Wyatt Denney leading 73t. A business meeting was opened and the class was organized by electing or appointing the following officers: Chairman—Wyatt Denney; Co-Chairman—Karis Askin; Arranging Officer—Judy Chambless; Secretary—Laura Frey. The business session was closed. Leaders: Jack Nelson 228; Judy Mincey 434; Gail King 86; Robert Chambless 452.

The Sacred Harp Publishing Company member and representative, Karen Rollins, presented a plaque of appreciation in honor of Philip Denney for his outstanding service, dedication, and loyal support to the Sacred Harp Museum and community. Accepting the plaque was Gail Denney and Family. The presentation was followed by the memorial lesson.

Karen Rollins noted the importance of remembrance for our loved ones. The following list of names of the deceased was read: Philip Denney, Virginia Dyer, Hubert Nall, Norma Green, Marlon Wootten, Doug Ivey, Jerry Kitchens, Cora Jones, Melanie Hauff, Cheryl Foreman, Ann Simpson, Lydia Lewallen, Karen Walker, Lara Nguyen, Zoe Clay, Pearl Guier, Nancy Paris, and Boyd Scott. The following list of names of the sick and shut-ins was read: Ed Thacker, Margaret Thacker, Virginia Futral, William Futral, Henry Guthery, Bea Aaron, Jim Aaron, Louise Ivey, Henry Johnson, Beverly R. Thompson, Liam Lehrer, Tom Waggener, Karleen Williams, and Lela Crowder. She led 119. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer offered by Bill DuPre.

Leaders: Bill DuPre 122; Jonathon Smith 179; Cheyenne Ivey 335; Emily Stutzman 369; Glenda Collins 81t; Sharon DuPriest 155; Clarke Williams 296. Jack Nelson offered the blessing before the noon meal.


Wyatt Denney brought the afternoon class back to order by leading 29t. Leaders: Tom George 297; Rodney Ivey 270; Lee Denney 84; Daniel Williams 101b; Winfred Kerr 77b; Sheri Taylor 142; Reba Windom 411; Erin Fulton 56t; Lisa Webb 224; Matt Hinton 65 (in memory of Everett Denney); Pam Nunn 528 (in memory of Virginia Dyer); Dick Plunkett 306; Maddy Mullaney 498; Reba Windom, Pam Nunn, and Sharon DuPriest 269; Sheri Taylor, Laura Frey, Lisa Webb, and Riley McKibben 524 (in memory of Mom Mamaw Mary Hackney); Bill Denney and Emily Stutzman 457; Jonathon Smith and Nathan Rees 371; Judy Mincey, Gail King, and Erin Fulton 473; Rodney Ivey and Cheyenne Ivey 129; Karen Rollins and Matt Hinton 120 (in memory of Philip Denney); Jack Nelson and Daniel Williams 300; Bill DuPre and Oscar McGuire 485. Announcements were made.

Wyatt Denney and Karis Askin thanked everyone for their attendance and led 294 (in memory of MamaJo) as the closing song. Rodney Ivey offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Wyatt Denney; Co-Chairman—Karis Askin; Secretary—Laura Frey