Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Cape Meares Singing

Cape Meares Community Center, Cape Meares, Oregon

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Cape Meares All-Day Singing was held on the first Saturday after Labor Day. Betsy Jeronen called the class to order by leading 448b, and welcomed the class. Brad Knoke offered the opening prayer.

A business meeting was held, and the following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Betsy Jeronen; Treasurer—Gin McCollum; Secretary—Jane Cannon; Arranging Committee—Emma Swartz; Chaplain—Brad Knoke; Resolutions Committee—Dave Barber and Chris Noren.

Leaders: Jane Cannon 31t; Stephen Tarr 503; Ruth Linehan 501; John Berendzen 73b; Dorothy Mitchell 225t; Sarah Berry and Jesse Flint 178; Erik Schwab 59; Laura McMurray 39b; Thom Fahrbach 280; Peter Abrahamsen 278t; Nancy Novotny 142; Dana Steege-Jackson 89; Bob Schinske 68b; Jennifer Jones 564; Carrie Walker 146; Betsy Jeronen and Carolyn Deacy 171 (in memory of Eva Striebeck); Steve Cackley 560.


Emma Swartz called the class back to order with 131b. Leaders: Kim Lusk 179; Claire Hogan 95; Rosie Sokolov 411; Sam Kleinman 434; Peter Schinske 306; Reed Schilbach 318; Chris Noren 455; Kate Fine 532 (for Cornelia Stanton, Linda Berkemeier, and Nell Whitman); David Schmitt 485; Maggie Zhou 445; Anne Huckins 186; David Wright 273; Sadhbh O’Flynn 272; Kevin Barrans 423; Linda Selph 527.


Brad Knoke called the class back to order leading 204. Leaders: Dorothy Robinson 367; Dami Osoba 380; Dave Barber 333; Tamara Wallace and Chris Noren 84; Pat Coghlan 528; Kristofer Ilex 74b; Mark Godfrey 32b; Lindy Groening 302; Julius Pasay 498; Evelyn Lamb 207; Erik Schwab 497; Ruth Linehan 371. Brad Knoke offered a prayer for dinner on the grounds.


Jennifer Jones and Ian Desiderio called the class back to order with 72b. Leaders: Carolyn Deacy 456; Jane Cannon 315; Stephanie Fida 69b; Maggie Zhou 506; Sadhbh O’Flynn 419; Sam Kleinman 298; Dave Barber 362; Peter Schinske 344; Claire Hogan 215; David Schmitt 148; Mark Godfrey 436; Rosie Sokolov 499; Julius Pasay 283; Linda Selph 430; Thom Fahrbach 355; Emma Swartz 383; Evelyn Lamb 217; David Wright 187; Kate Coxon and Sam Coxon 422; Dami Osoba 214; Lindy Groening 201; Kristofer Ilex 387.


Chris Noren called the class back to order leading 49b. Leaders: Bob Schinske 573; Dorothy Miller 34b; Carrie Walker 340; Keven Barrans 34t; Pat Coghlan 91; Nancy Novotny 536; John Berendzen 396; Stephanie Fida and Steve Cackley 167; Stephen Tarr 277; Kim Lusk 384.

A business session was held for the purpose of hearing committee reports. Secretary Jane Cannon reported that fifty-five registered with forty-nine leaders from seven states and Canada, and eighty-one songs sung. Treasurer Gin McCollum reported that expenses were covered with donations. Resolutions Committee, Dave Barber and Chis Noren, thanked Betsy Jeronen, the officers, keyers, cooks, and helpers for jobs well done, and resolved to meet back at Cape Meares, Oregon, to sing from the Sacred Harp on the first Saturday after Labor Day in 2024. Betsy Jeronen led 36b and Brad Knoke dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Betsy Jeronen; Secretary—Jane Cannon