Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Marian Bush Memorial Singing

Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, Palo Alto, California

Sunday, August 27, 2023

The 5th annual Marian Bush Memorial Singing was held outdoors at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, Palo Alto, California, on the fourth Sunday in August. The class met both in person and online via Zoom.

The class was called to order by Anne Caswell leading 52t. Terry Moore offered the opening prayer. The following officers served: Chairperson—Anne Caswell; Secretary—Sue Lindner; Treasurer—Paul Kostka; Online Technology—Paul Kostka.

Leaders: Peter Ross 38t; David Elsenbroich 30b; Lorraine Kostka 34b; Sue Lindner 535; Jeannette Ralston 31t; Jenny Solheim 36b; Terry Moore 107; Anne Caswell 287 (for Arnold Zwicky); David Elsenbroich 268 (for Sheryl Pockrose); Paul Kostka 300; Midge Harder 556; Anne Caswell 531; Pat Coghlan 91; Peter Ross 66; David Elsenbroich 43; James Langdell 63; Lorraine Kostka 274 (t? b?); Sue Lindner 65; Winona Hubbard 56b; Jeannette Ralston 430; Jenny Solheim 142; Terry Moore 121; Paul Kostka 297 (for Arnold Zwicky); Paul Kostka 528; Midge Harder 319; Anne Caswell 569b.


The class was called back to order by Peter Ross, who spoke about the life of Marian Bush, a longtime Sacred Harp singer in Palo Alto. Marian passed away in 2016 at the age of 99. Peter Ross led 82t in memory of Marian Bush. Anne Caswell conducted a memorial lesson and led 163b in honor of the sick, homebound, and deceased.

Leaders: Sue Lindner 217; Jenny Solheim 254 (for Winona Hubbard); Midge Harder 95 (for Jeannette Ralston); Terry Moore 315; Jenny Solheim 120 (for Arnold Zwicky); Paul Kostka 273; Jenny Solheim 171; Anne Caswell 127; Midge Harder 39t; Midge Harder 155 (for Peter Ross); Sue Lindner 209; Jeannette Ralston 335; Jenny Solheim 128.

A business meeting was held. The Treasurer reported that expenses were met. The Secretary reported that at least eighteen singers attended either in person or online via Zoom, and forty-two songs were led by fifteen leaders. The class collectively offered thanks to all who made the singing possible, and resolved to convene again next year. Announcements were made.

Anne Caswell led 347 as the closing song, and then offered the closing prayer. The class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Anne Caswell; Secretary—Sue Lindner