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Cleburne County Convention

Edwardsville Baptist Church, Edwardsville, Alabama

Sunday, August 20, 2023

The 134th session of the Cleburne County Convention was held on the third Sunday in August at Edwardsville Baptist Church, Edwardsville, Alabama. Cecil Roberts called the class to order leading 49t. Judy Chambless offered the morning prayer. Cecil Roberts welcomed the singers and visitors to the singing and led 49b.

Leaders: Winfred Kerr 47b, 89; Glenda Collins 32t, 81t; Robert Chambless 303, 225t; Bert Collins 542, 97; Barbara Brooks 72t, 119; Jack Nelson 399b, 266; Sheri Taylor 27, 79.


Cecil Roberts brought the class back to order leading 59. Leaders: Laura Frey 159, 358; Judy Chambless 146, 472 (in honor of Karen Rollins’s family); Samuel Williams 125, 76b; Daniel Williams 503, 544.

In a business meeting the following officers were elected: Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Vice Chairman—Glenda Collins; Secretary—Judy Chambless. The class discussed the welcoming spirit of the members of Edwardsville Baptist Church and thanked them for the many years they have offered the church to Sacred Harp singers. The class thanked the ladies of the church who brought food and did the clean-up for many years, but voted to do this from now on since our singers are so few in number. Cecil closed the business meeting with prayer.

Leaders: Cecil Roberts 37b, 75; Winfred Kerr 65, 282; Glenda Collins 99, 101t; Robert Chambless 68b, 480; Bert Collins 335, 35; Barbara Brooks 34b, 229; Jack Nelson 408, 30b; Sheri Taylor and Riley Webb 401, 133.


Judy Chambless and Glenda Collins brought the class back to order leading 454. Leaders: Laura Frey 163b, 178; Samuel Williams 354t; Daniel Williams 101b, 400; Sheri Taylor, Laura Frey, and Riley Webb 46; Winfred Kerr and Bert Collins 516; Samuel Williams and Daniel Williams 499; Glenda Collins and Barbara Brooks 339; Jack Nelson and Cecil Roberts 180.

Robert Chambless and Judy Chambless gave the memorial lesson remembering the following deceased: Philip Denney, Ann Simpson and Hubert Nall; and the following sick and shut-ins: Ray Nelson, William Futral, Virginia Futral, Beverly Thompson, Barry Rollins, and Gene Duke. They led 549. Daniel Williams closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

After announcements, Cecil Roberts and Glenda Collins led 138b as the closing song.

Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Vice Chairman—Glenda Collins; Secretary—Judy Chambless