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Mobile Sacred Harp Singing

Government Street United Methodist Church, Mobile, Alabama

Saturday, August 5, 2023

The first Mobile Sacred Harp All-Day Singing was held at Government Street United Methodist Church, Mobile, Alabama, on Saturday before the first Sunday in August. Two songbooks were used: The B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition and The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. The class was called to order by Kevin Dyess leading 63 (CB). He gave a few introductory remarks about Sacred Harp, and then gave a warm welcome to all in attendance. The opening prayer was offered by Josh McCoy.

The first session of singing was from The B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition. Leaders: Charlotte Naylor 128 (CB), 155 (CB); Gary Padgett 507b (CB), 464 (CB); Nicole Bowman 131b (CB), 133 (CB); Tim Royappa 131t (CB); Anne Royappa 203 (CB); Mary Amelia Taylor 99 (CB), 573 (CB); Tim Taylor 563 (CB), 391 (CB).


The second session of singing was from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. Leaders: DeAna Autry 569b, 376; Gary Padgett 318, 299; Nicole Bowman 542, 503; Tim Royappa 481; Anne Royappa 178, 86; Mary Amelia Taylor 444; Tim Taylor 228, 186; Bridge Hill Kennedy 37b, 276.

Kevin Dyess conducted the memorial lesson, and led 30b in memory of the following deceased: Hubert Nall, M.B. Carrell Sr., Elder J.L. Hopper, Marlon Wootten, Norma Green, Dean Peacock, and Carter Bridges—Alabama. A prayer for those held in memory was given by Dr. Bert Park, Pastor of Government Street UMC. Georgeanna Presnell led an additional song 87 (CB), followed by the class singing 369 (CB). The abundant lunch offerings were blessed by Mrs. Margaret Dyess.


The afternoon session began with Josh McCoy leading 38t (CB) and 282 (CB). Leaders: Nicole Bowman 382 (CB) (by request); Georgeanna Presnell 572 (CB); Nicole Bowman 96 (CB) (by request); Kevin Dyess 380t (CB), 559 (CB); Charlotte Naylor 348t (CB), 571 (CB); Gary Padgett 210 (CB), 500 (CB); Nicole Bowman 184b (CB); Tim Royappa 416t (CB).


Leaders: Ryan Bowman 47b, 112; Josh McCoy 84, 133; DeAna Autry 117, 65; Bridge Hill Kennedy 82t, 68b; Mary Amelia Taylor 31t, 432; Tim Taylor 189, 347; Anne Royappa 107; Tim Royappa 504, 348t; Nicole Bowman 547; Anne Royappa 49b, 566; Gary Padgett 198. Announcements were made.

Bridge Hill Kennedy led 74b as the closing song. Kent Dueitt dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Kevin Dyess; Vice Chairman—DeAna Autry; Arranging Committee and Secretary—Kate Barrett