Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Oxford Singing

Botley Women’s Institute Hall, Oxford, United Kingdom

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The 24th Oxford All-Day Singing was held on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in June. Sheila Girling Macadam called the class to order at 10:30 a.m. leading 34b. Edwin Macadam offered the opening prayer.

The following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Sheila Girling Macadam; Treasure—Werner Ullah; Secretaries—Nick Hall, David Garman and Margaret Gillanders; Arranging Committee—Emma Rock and Sheila Girling Macadam; Pitchers—Rachel Jordan, Toby Goss, Helen Brown, Calum Woods and Michael Walker; Chaplains—Edwin Macadam, Michael Walker, Calum Woods, Ted Brown and Al


Leaders: Edwin Macadam 47t; Emma Rock 29t; Dave Townsend 217; Toby Goss 73b; Mandy Townsend 84; David Garman 107; Lorraine Irving 30b; Neil Horlock 65; Werner Ullah 28b; Sue Bird 535; Maggie Eiseman-Renyard 294; Brenda Harvey 111b; Grace Scrimgeour 216.


Calum Woods brought the class back to order leading 79. Leaders: Barry Parsons 63; Derek Buckland 278t; James Roche 499; Michael Walker 182; Machna Nowak 85; Helen Brown 421; Calum Parker 318; Nick Hall 150; Susanne Rolli 277; Inga Buckland 110; Matthew Parkinson 101t; Nigel Bowley 102; Rachel Jordan 492; Pete Eiseman-Renyard 46; Al Williams 227.


Toby Goss brought the class back together by leading 472. Leaders: Ted Brown 391; Neil Horlock 400; Chris Coombs 103.

Michael Walker conducted a combined sick and housebound and memorial lesson. He drew on the writings of Søren Kirkegaard and his belief in the nature of love being focused on others, whether living or dead. We were asked to think of the following people still with us: Seth Dickens, Michelle Rice, Uschi Nolte, Eva Striebeck, Ann Wiggins, Elizabeth Roche, Stephanie Ramamurthy, Ram Ramamurthy, Daniel Oldham, Estes Jackson, Rob Mahoney, Hannah Land, and Sarah Tschiggfrie.

Thoughts were also addressed to those no longer with us Nigel Eagle—Stanton Harcourt; John Graham—Oxford; Mike Cooper—Catsfield; Norman Denny and Hector Gilchrist—Surrey; Jenny Bancroft—Hay-on-Wye; Bob Lister—Sedgeborough; Mary R Shepherd and George H Shepherd—Wantage; Doreen Carlyle—St. Annes-on-Sea; Dave Thorpe, Richard Drane, Norman Franklin, and Ernest Preston—London; Alastair Sayles—Leeds; John Heptinstall—Kenilworth; Juanita Beasley, Hubert Nall, Marlon Wootten, and Norma Green—Alabama, USA; Phillip Denney and Cathy White—Georgia, USA; Ted Mercer—Illinois, USA; Cheryl Foreman—Texas, USA; Lydia Lewallen—North Carolina, USA; Richard Rosenbloom—New York, USA; Teresa Cavallar and Anna Zamboni—Italy; David Adler—Scotland; Marita Cummins—Ireland; Madeleine O’Brien—Eastbourne; and Tracey—Wales. Calum Woods closed the service with prayer.

Leaders: Michael Walker 131b; Helen Brown 220; Leilai Immel-Parkinson 335; Calum Woods 195; Anna Eggers 349; James Roche 549; Grace Scrimgeour 547; Barry Parsons 522. Ted Brown offered thanks for the mid-day meal.


The first afternoon session commenced with Nick Hall leading 207.

Leaders: Nigel Bowley 159; Werner Ullah 503; Machna Nowak 425; David Garman 146; Al Williams 551; Rachel Jordan 425; Matthew Parkinson 411; Derek Buckland 165; Sheila Girling Macadam 377; Calum Parker 270; Emma Rock 480; Ted Brown 187; Inga Buckland 504; Edwin Macadam 236; Michael Walker 56b; Brenda Harvey 99; Susanne Rolli 300; Chris Coombs 430.


The final session commenced with Pete Eiseman-Renyard leading 496.

Leaders: Sue Bird 178; Anna Eggers 564; Leilai Immel-Parkinson 201; Mandy Townsend 163t; Dave Townsend 183; Nigel Bowley 39b; Grace Scrimgeour 155; Calum Parker 276; Dilwyn Scott 40; Calum Woods 291; Rachel Jordan and Nick Hall 474; Helen Brown and Ted Brown 454 (for Hannah Land); Derek Buckland and Inga Buckland 38t.

The Secretaries reported fifty-one singers had registered from the UK, Ireland, and Germany and seventy-six songs had been led by thirty-five leaders. The Treasurer reported all the day’s expenses had been met. Announcements were made. Sheila Girling Macadam and Edwin Macadam thanked all the officers, committees and anyone who helped in any way to make this singing a success. It was agreed the 25th Oxford All-Day Singing should be held at the Botley Women’s Institute Hall on Saturday, June 22, 2024.

Sheila Girling Macadam and Edwin Macadam led 347 as the closing song. Al Williams offered the closing prayer, after which the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Sheila Girling Macadam; Secretaries—Nick Hall, David Garman, and Margaret Gillanders