Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Albany New York Singing

Burton Hall, Easton, New York

Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Albany New York All-Day Singing was held on the third Sunday in June. The class was called to order by Tarik Wareh leading 47t. The opening prayer was offered by Joanne Fuller. Leaders: Tarik Wareh 146; Joanne Fuller 52t; Pattie Wareh 84; Ellen Foster and Jean Seiler 159; Alison Forster 542; Sally Langendorf 48t; Pat Geritz 523; Chris Holley 348b; Mary Skidmore 39t; George Sigut 38b; Erin Fulton 175; Larry Bingham 313b; Indigo Micciche 168; Kerry Cullinan 70t; Barbara Swetman 71.


The class was called back to order by Indigo Micciche, Julie Richard, and Elea Regembal leading 117. Leaders: Keillor Mose 32t; Anna Bowen 318; Will Harron 105; Liz Patton 274b; Jean Seiler 217; Jonathan Spencer 214; Elea Regembal 131t; Sally Langendorf 68b; Walter Keeley 228; Chris Holley and David Fuller 73t; Barbara Swetman 72b; Indigo Micciche 378b; Kerry Cullinan 378t; Erin Fulton 69b.


The class was called to order by Alison Forster and Barbara Swetman leading 148. Leaders: George Sigut 448b; Joanne Fuller 460; Larry Bingham 99; Tarik Wareh 391; Anna Bowen 270; Elea Regembal 442; Will Harron 81t; Sally Langendorf 138b; Jonathan Spencer 118; Liz Patton 120; Patricia Geritz 479; Walter Keeley 344; Alison Forster 268; Keillor Mose 132; Mary Skidmore 567; Kerry Cullinan 133; Jean Seiler 472. The grace before the noontime meal was offered by Erin Fulton.


The class was called to order by Larry Bingham leading 31t. Leaders: Indigo Micciche 278t; Chris Holley 420 (in memory of Lydia Lewallen); Barbara Swetman 484; Rachel Farber 316; Keillor Mose 432; Elea Regembal 480; Liz Patton 361; Anna Bowen 182; Will Harron 319; Liz Patton, Barbara Swetman, Lynn Wilson, Laurel Dempsey, Jean Seiler, Chris Holley, George Sigut, Lauren Keeley, Joey Keeley, Kathe Pilibosian, and Claudia Smigelski 171; Jonathan Spencer 260; Erin Fulton 353; Sally Langendorf 314; Pattie Wareh and Mary Skidmore 383; Larry Bingham and Kerry Cullinan 481; Elea Regembal, Julie Richard, and Rachel Farber 440; Jean Seiler 299.


The class was called back together by Will Harron leading 87. Leaders: George Sigut 274t; Mark Bedard and Keillor Mose 277; Rachel Farber 439; Anna Bowen 474; Jonathan Spencer and Chris Holley 77t; Alison Forster 114; Barbara Swetman and Margaret Bornick 454; Indigo Micciche 408; Liz Patton 373; Walter Keeley, Lauren Keeley, and Joey Keeley 178; Erin Fulton 185; Keillor Mose 45b; Elea Regembal 125; Chris Holley 75; Joanne Fuller and Sally Langendorf 229; Rachel Farber 89; Jean Seiler and Anna Bowen 312b; Mark Bedard and Kerry Cullinan 445; Jonathan Spencer and Will Harron 198; Mary Skidmore 34t.

The secretary reported that eighty-eight songs were led by thirty-three leaders. Singers came from two Canadian provinces and five U.S. states.

Tarik Wareh, Pattie Wareh, Jean Seiler, Joanne Fuller, and Mary Skidmore led 62 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Chris Holley.

Chairman—Tarik Wareh; Treasurers—Sally Langendorf and Jean Seiler; Arranger—Pattie Wareh; Secretaries—Joanne Fuller and Judy Pardee