Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Moore, Graves, and Calvert Memorial

Addington Chapel, Cullman County, Alabama

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The 113th session of the Moore, Graves, and Calvert Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held on Saturday before the third Sunday in June. The class was called to order by Danny Creel leading 30t. The opening prayer was offered by Tom Booth. Danny Creel welcomed the class, and then the following officers were retained for another year: Chairman—Danny Creel; Secretary—Ann Jett.

Leaders: Danny Creel 37b; Butch White 235, 74b; Linda Booth 46, 166; David Ivey 123t (for Ed and Margaret Thacker), 121; Mike Hankins 527, 477; Judy Caudle 402, 403; Tom Booth 204, 34b; Jeff James 36b, 117; Emily Stutzman 35, 337; Earl Ballinger 317, 80b; Mary Huffman 569b, 39t; Mark Davis 200, 168; Beth Branscome 142, 300.


Danny Creel led 428 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Randy Webber 320, 225t; Emmaleigh Calhoun 72b, 82t; Henry McGuire 84, 34t; Prisca Rice 452, 155; Rick Hoffman 111t, 192; Ainslie Allen 546, 196; Lisa Geist 391, 394; Philip Gilmore 85 (in memory of Leslie Gilmore), 76b; Brenda Chafin 336, 568; Larry Ballinger 133, 151; Ken Tate 213t, 547; Cindy Tanner 220, 436 (in memory of Kenny Graves); Charlie McGuire 185, 398; Dorothea Maynard 442, 383; Cassie Allen 291 (in memory of Vernice Calvert), 167. Butch White asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Danny Creel leading 485. Leaders: Marlin Beasley 460, 111b; Will McGuire 476, 181; David Jackson 499, 503; Sarah Beasley 340, 388; Becky Briggs 318, 81t; Joyce White 480, 39b; Ann Jett 327, 269; Mark Davis 228; Emily Stutzman 217; Rick Hoffman 314; Henry McGuire, Will McGuire, and Charlie McGuire 456; Lisa Geist 528; Randy Webber 146; Dorothea Maynard 280; Prisca Rice 389; Emmaleigh Calhoun 472; Mary Huffman 446; Beth Branscome 150; Philip Gilmore 47b; Butch White 313b. Announcements were made.

Cassie Allen led 131b as the closing song. Butch White offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Danny Creel; Secretary—Ann Jett