Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Middle Georgia Sacred Harp Singing

Union Primitive Baptist Church, Johnstonville, Georgia

Saturday, April 15, 2023

The 18th annual Middle Georgia Sacred Harp Singing was held on Saturday before the third Sunday in April. Oscar McGuire welcomed the class and led 59. Wayne Watson offered the morning prayer. Oscar McGuire led 34b.

Leaders: Lisa Bennett 378t, 288; David Smead 111b, 329. A business session was held, and the class voted to reelect the following officers: Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Vice Chairman—Lisa Bennett; Secretary—David Smead.

Leaders: Glenda Collins 105, 290; Bert Collins 97, 35; Eli Hinton 63, 108b; Mary Brownlee and John Brownlee 341, 47b; Lilly Hooks and Rosemund Watson 354b; John Plunkett 33b, 405.


Lisa Bennett called the class to order leading 82t. Leaders: Matt Hinton 112, 192; David Smead 51, 402; Randy Neufeld 31t, 501 (in memory of Ted Mercer); Lottie Hinton 472; Erica Hinton 503, 284; Rosemund Watson 515 (for Horace Hamrick), 147t; Martha Harrell 137, 542; Bill DuPre 101t, 448t.


Oscar McGuire called the class to order leading 119. Lisa Bennett led 556 and 344.

Glenda Collins led 454 for the following sick and shut-ins: Jeannette DePoy, John Hollingsworth, and Elsie Hollingsworth and for the following deceased: Philip Denney, Virginia Dyer, Ann Simpson, and Ted Mercer.

Leaders: Bert Collins 455; Wayne Watson 480, 68b; Eli Hinton 448b, 157; John Plunkett 371; Matt Hinton 77t; David Smead 350; Randy Neufeld 270, 148; Bill DuPre 460; Lottie Hinton 216, 277; Erica Hinton 74b; Matt Hinton and Lilly Hooks 268; Martha Harrell and Oscar McGuire 178. After announcements, Rosemund Watson led 347 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Wayne Watson, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Vice Chairman—Lisa Bennett; Secretary—David Smead