Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Antioch Baptist Church

Ider, Alabama

Sunday, April 9, 2023

The annual Decoration Day Sacred Harp singing was held on the second Sunday in April. The class was called to order by Aaron Wootten and Jamey Wootten leading 82t and 63. Bro. Chris Boggs offered the opening prayer.

The following officers and committee members were appointed prior to the singing: Chairmen—Aaron Wootten and Jamey Wootten; Secretary—Cheyenne Ivey; Arranging—Jamey Wootten.

Leaders: Jamey Wootten and Aaron Wootten 101t; Blake Sisemore 42; Cheyenne Ivey 61; Isaac Green 420; Susy Lee 349; Clark Williams 360; Bill DuPre 448t; Shirley Figura 229; Daniel Lee 52t; Shawn Carrol 28b; Charles Whitmer 218; Prisca Rice, Emmaleigh Calhoun, and Evie Eddins 89; Amber Saylors 457; Deborah Taube and William Walker 313b.


The class was brought back together by Jamey Wootten and Aaron Wootten leading 56t. Leaders: David Saylors 203; Kevin Eddins and Dana Eddins 31t; Paul Figura 415; Macy Bell 274t; Stanley Smith 383; Tom George 33t; Eric Eddins 448b; Luke Strickland 157; Clark Lee 365; Shelby Castillo, Reba Windom, and Paisley Goss 216; Ethan Eddins 337; Brenda Carroll, Chris Carroll, McKensie Carroll, Shawn Carroll, and Rebecca Norsworthy 384; Kaylee Mann, Karalee Bell, and Sheila Wootten 505 (CB); Julie Lee 87; Edith Eddins 535; Keith Willard and Karen Willard 99 (in memory of Marlon Wootten); Tim Taylor 228.

The memorial lesson was conducted by David Lee and Linda Thomas. David Lee spoke on behalf of the deceased and the sick and shut-ins. Linda Thomas read aloud the following list of names of the deceased: Cleva Dell Blevins, Marlon Wootten, Claudene Townson, Doug Ivey, Boyd Scott, Norma Green, James Pike, Margie Cook, Renae Makris, Wendy Morton, Hubert Nall, Philip Denney, Cheryl Foreman, Lydia Lewallen, Glenn Conn, Hazel (Alvis) Brothers, Ann Simpson, Virginia Dyer, and Pauline Lee.

Linda then read aloud the following list of names of the sick and shut-ins: Chita Blakeley, Sarah Wootten, Caroline Wootten, Jerry Creason, Ann Sibole, and Vanetta Wootten. David and Linda led 288. Clarke Lee closed the memorial service with prayer.

Leaders: Phil Townson, Danette Townson, Raven Farrow, Dani Henshaw, Marsha Townson, Tate Farrow, and David Townson 540 (CB), 68b (both in memory of Claudene Townson); Keillor Mose 434; Samuel Williams 377; Maddy Mullaney 172; Ewan Eddins 270; Nathan Rees 182; Jessica Belaire 76b.


The afternoon session began with Aaron Wootten and Jamey Wootten leading 32t. Leaders: David Killingsworth 159; Susan Pilcher and Stacey Pilcher 106; Eddie Mash 515; Emily Eddins 77t; Scott Ivey 163t (in memory of Marlon Wootten and Claudene Townson); Eli Eddins 147b; Mary Amelia Taylor 58; David Lee 74b; Wayne Wootten 144; Linda Sides 277; Loyd Ivey and Marian Biddle 424; Syble Adams, Pam Wilkerson, and David Lee 452; Daniel Williams 108b; Jeffrey Wootten and Dewayne Wootten 460; Rodney Ivey and Nate Green 418 (in memory of Norma Green); Shane Brown 29t; Elam Eddins 29b; Shane Wootten 426t; Beverly Dayton 347; Hayden Wootten, Brooke Wootten, and Jared Wootten 441; Anna Oliver 37b; Elijah Boggs 176t; Marty Wootten 399b; Teresa Saylors and Sierra Saylors 209; Darlene Dalton 454; Terry Wootten 316; Chris Boggs, Michelle Boggs, Elijah Boggs, Isaac Boggs, Joseph Boggs, and Clayton Boggs 491; Scott Ivey, Betty Shepherd, and Terry Wootten 30b; Cole Wootten and Karolina Mann 445. Hayden Wootten and Shane Brown were appointed to serve as chairmen in April, 2024.

Jamey Wootten, Aaron Wootten, and Terry Wootten led “Pass Me Not” as the closing song. Jeffrey Wootten offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairmen—Aaron Wootten and Jamey Wootten; Secretary—Cheyenne Ivey