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North Carolina Sacred Harp Singing

Pullen Memorial, Raleigh, North Carolina

Saturday, March 4, 2023

The North Carolina All-Day Sacred Harp Singing took place at Pullen Memorial Baptist Chapel, Raleigh, North Carolina, on Saturday before the first Sunday in March. Stefani Priskos called the class to order leading 56t.

Leaders: Kaleb Delk 34b; Kyle Johnston 37b; Lynda Hambourger 191; Thomas Begley 569b; Xaris Martinez 77t; Rick Motylinski 99; Jenna Harmon 532; Corrine Serfass 367; Elizabeth Stoddard 171; Janice Lautier 268; Chris Wolf 82t; Robert Stoddard 411; Sophie Sokolov 391; Clarke Williams 170; Cole Doster 209; Julius Pasay 32t; Matt Ference 455; Maddy Mulllany 192; Miriam Delirium 83t; Bridget Jamison 105; Ellie Snyder 108b; Indigo 344; Erin Newton 573; Adrienne Robertson 198; Eric Conrad 275t; Pat Temple 312t; Anthony Weston 66; Alice Noyes 178; Sadhbh O’Flynn 208; Anne Gilliland 127; Thomas Begley 460; Skeet Surrency 162; Corrine Serfass 187; Kyle Johnston, Maire Ragozzine, Dennis Corcoran 163b; Robert Stoddard 35.


Kaleb Delk called the class back to order leading 270. Leaders: Lynda Hambourger 369; Clarke Williams 181; Stefani Priskos 303; Chris Wolf 230; Elizabeth Stoddard 57; Matt Ference 300; Sophie Sokolov 426t; David Wilson 143; Dan Jaasma 277.


Kaleb Delk called the class back to order leading 39t. Leaders: Eric Conrad 332; Xaris Martinez 215; Jenna Harmon 117; Bill Lowry 122; Julius Pasay 392; Bridget Jamison 448t; Celia Lechtman 100; Michael Archer 149; Ellie Snyder 436; Tyler Benjamin 472; Maddy Mulllany 543; Erin Newton 315; Miriam Delirium 414; Adrienne Robertson 84; Sadhbh O’Flynn 419.

Kyle Johnston and Pat Temple led “Sweet Beulah Land” from sheet music and then conducted the lesson to remember the following sick and shut-ins: Johanna Fabke, Marian Coich, Dan Buning, John Feddersen, Coronne Bryant, Ruth Ann Bryant, and Nancy Roan.

Lynda Hambourger conducted the lesson to remember the following deceased: Lydia Lewallen, Robert Owens, Jr., Tyra Somers, Jack Archer—North Carolina; Mary Wright, Graham Dezarn, Les Updike—Virginia; Ted Mercer—Illinois; Hubert Nall and Joe Gilliland—Alabama; Reidin O’Flynn—New York; Philomena Henderson—Ireland; Samuel TannenBaum—Connecticut; Mitch Carnell—South Carolina; Victoria Medaglia—Tennessee; Philip Denney—Georgia. Lynda Hambourger led 503.

Leaders remembering Lydia Lewallen: Kyle Johnston 69t; Kathy Kaiser 501; Anne Gilliland 81t; Alice Noyes 47t. Sally Owens offered a prayer.


Miriam Delirium called the class back to order leading 335. Leaders: Stefani Priskos 383; Indigo 312b; Robert Stoddard 196; Mary Johnston 146; Emily Ulrich 430; Bill Lowry 155; Elizabeth Stoddard 546; Corinne Serfass 399b; Chris Wolf 445; Ellie Snyder 30t; Clarke Williams 483; Bridget Jamison 338; Julius Pasay, Sadhbh O’Flynn, and Levi Pasay 182; Adrienne Robertson 551; Sophie Sokolov 499; Skeet Surrency 481. The class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Kaleb Delk; Treasurer—Rick Motylinski; Arranging Committee—Kathy Kaiser; Secretary—Derek Lane