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Lydia Lewallen Memorial Singing

University Baptist Church, Minneapolis Minnesota, and Livestreaming

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Beloved North Carolina singer Lydia Lewallen died on January 23, 2023. Megan Holm and Steve Luttinen organized this singing in Lydia’s memory. Steve Luttinen began the memorial by leading 171. Leaders: Jake Kiakahi 569b; AnnaLeigh Smith 472; Noelle Copeland 475; Kat Kohorst 387; Steven Schmidgall 565; Steven Levine 38t; Alec Jenkins-White 38b; Dick Patterson 70b; Shana Wenger 455; Eleanor Haase 503; Elise delMas 182; Carol Buche 71; Dick Patterson 274t.


After the recess, singers were invited to step to the podium and share a memory of Lydia then lead a song in her memory. Leaders: Megan Holm 230; AnnaLeigh Smith “Blessed Are They That Mourn”; Noelle Copeland 414 (requested by Amanda Jokerst); John Weems 27; Tamara Harris 127 (requested by Bridge Kennedy); Stacey Berkheimer 176b; Barb Patterson 228; Shana Wenger 30b; Kat Kohorst 348t; Miriam Delirium 285t; Jake KiaKahi 59 (requested by Val Stoehr); Elise delMas 122 (requested by Martha Henderson); John Weems 118; Eleanor Haase 454; AnnaLeigh Smith “This Heavy Load”; Steven Schmidgall 69b; Doug Donley 146; Dick Patterson 163t; Steven Levine 225t (requested by Lela Crowder); Ben Copenhaver 310; Michael Shewmaker 84; John Weems 153 (requested by Kit Walsh); Jake Kiakahi 111b (CH); Alec Jenkins-White 383 (OSH); Jim Goetz 340; Noelle Copeland 425; Steven Levine 528: Steve Luttinen 235. Elise delMas offered prayer. Lydia Lenore Lewallen November 14, 1988 to January 23, 2023. Rest in peace.

Chairpersons—Megan Holm, Steve Luttinen; Secretary—Steven Schmidgall