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Atlanta Sacred Harp Singing

Westside Park Pavilion, Atlanta, Georgia

Saturday, April 23, 2022

The third annual Atlanta Sacred Harp Singing (and the first since 2019 due to the Coronavirus pandemic) was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Andy Ditzler leading 52t. Scott DePoy offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Andy Ditzler; Vice Chairman—Jeannette DePoy; Secretary/Treasurer—David Smead; Arranging Officer—David Brodeur.

Leaders: Andy Ditzler 330b (for Yevgen and family in Ukraine); Jeannette DePoy 31t (for Cathy White), 36b; David Smead 138t, 348t; David Brodeur 512, 486; Scott DePoy 277; Glenda Collins 100, 77t; Lisa Bennett 163t, 47b; Cathy Bonk 276, 349; Bert Collins 278b, 335; John Plunkett 434 (for Gene Pinion), 515 (for Tom Hanson).


Andy Ditzler and Peg Bumgardner brought the class back to order by leading 282. Leaders: Ellen Ray 89; Ryan Bowman 547; Lilith Smith 178; Bill Hollingsworth 56b; Laura Akerman 192; Lauren Bock 112; Christy Sinksen 448t.

David Brodeur conducted the memorial lesson. He spoke about the importance of remembering the sick and shut-ins, and how to one degree or other all of us were shut in for a time due to the pandemic. The sick and shut-ins list included Jack Nelson, Philip Denney, Virginia Dyer, Barbara Brooks, Cathy White, Cornelia van den Doel, Marcy Block, Tom Hanson, and Amy Wells. Because this singing was canceled in 2020 and 2021, on the memorial list we recognized singers who passed away since the last session of this singing, in 2019. The memorial list included Rebecca Over, Margaret Spurlock, Ken Sundberg, Aubrey Barfield, Richard DeLong, Bentley McGuire, Leigh DuPre, Joan Aldridge, Gregory Smith, Landis Powell, Margaret Speer-Manus, Bill Beverly, Bill Windom, and Coy Ivey. David Brodeur led 506, and the memorial lesson was closed with prayer offered by Jeannette DePoy.

Leaders: Malinda Snow 75; Nicole Bowman 344; David Smead 318; Bill DuPre 475 (in memory of Leigh DuPre); Mark Bumgardner 85; Jesse P. Karlsberg 423; Nathan Rees 103.


The class was brought back to order by Andy Ditzler and Shawn Taylor leading 270. Leaders: Cathy Bonk 84; Christy Sinksen 107; Ryan Bowman 455; Jesse P. Karlsberg 377; Bill Hollingsworth 365; Nicole Bowman 127; Nathan Rees 325; Lauren Bock 57; Ellen Ray 460; Bill DuPre 146; Lilith Smith 267; Lisa Bennett 71; Mark Bumgardner 117; John Plunkett 38b (in memory of John Redman); Bert Collins 542; Malinda Snow 540; Glenda Collins 566; Jeannette DePoy 448b; David Smead 41; Ellen Ray 111b; Ryan Bowman 535; David Brodeur and Isaac Robledo 479. After announcements, Andy Ditzler led 45b as the closing song. Bill Hollingsworth offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Andy Ditzler; Vice Chairman—Jeannette DePoy; Secretary/Treasurer—David Smead