Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Cleburne County Convention
Edwardsville Baptist Church, Edwardsville, Alabama
Sunday, August 15, 2021
The 132nd session of the Cleburne County Convention was held on the third Sunday in August at Edwardsville Baptist Church, Edwardsville, Alabama. Cecil Roberts called the class to order leading 59, and then offered the morning prayer. Leaders: Henry Johnson 73b, 138t; Winfred Kerr 101t, 100; Robert Chambless 72b, 73t; Judy Chambless 146, 465; Barbara Brooks 108t, 119; Glenda Collins 45t, 32t; Bert Collins 63, 339; Sheri Taylor 47t, 75; Laura Frey 47t, 358.
Cecil Roberts brought the class back to order leading 225t. Leaders: Lisa Webb 76b, 566; Henry Johnson 49b, 49t; Winfred Kerr 68b, 89; Robert Chambless 84, 77b; Judy Chambless 82t, 319; Barbara Brooks 229, 141; Glenda Collins 145t, 145b; Bert Collins 335, 97; Cecil Roberts 410t; Sheri Taylor 79, 87; Laura Frey 159, 163b; Lisa Webb 354b, 324; Christian Webb 294; Cecil Roberts 303.
Cecil Roberts brought the class back to order leading 37b. Leaders: Henry Johnson 34b; Winfred Kerr 544; Robert Chambless 452; Judy Chambless 29t; Barbara Brooks 235; Glenda Collins 77t; Bert Collins 35; Sheri Taylor 131b; Laura Frey 503; Lisa Webb 334; Riley Webb 46. After announcements, Cecil Roberts led 30t as the closing song. Henry Johnson offered the closing prayer.
Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Secretary—Judy Chambless