Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Easter Singing


Sunday, April 12, 2020

The first online Easter singing was held April 12, 2020, via a chain of Facebook livestreams, according to a method developed by Emily Ross. The class was called to order at 12:00 p.m. Pacific time, with hundreds of participants from many time zones across the world. The class regretted our inability to meet in person, and grieved the great tragedy of coronavirus which kept us, as so many others, apart. At the same time, in the words of chaplain David Olson, we found a strange sense of presence when we’re singing, in spite of all the glitches, and we rejoiced in being able to sing with so many.

The responsibility of beating time being dispersed throughout the various live streamers, the participants who requested certain songs are listed as leaders.

We worked through our technical difficulties and called the class to order singing 49t, 49b, and 48t. Leaders: Erik Schwab 47t; Susan Spencer 56t; Delbert Long 163b; Linda Heemskerk 481; David Olson 271t; Chris Wolf 270; David Olson 448t.

Peter Stenshoel read from the gospel for Easter Sunday, and Prisca Rice called 408. David Olson said a prayer for times of plague.

We recommenced with Alison Fisher leading 236. Leaders: Tim Eriksen 285t; Edith Connor Berger 327 (for her mother Dorothy Connor); Chris Wolf 445; Laurie Burke 71; David Olson 277; Erin Fulton 410b; Katie Eichenlaub White 547 (for Covid-19 victims, patients, and caregivers); David Olson 504; Lisa Cohen 475; David Olson 474; Irene Gilb 282; Clarissa Fetrow 156; Virginia Ware Landgraf 375; Julia Zaffarano 500; Prisca Rice 566.

RECESS, during which we all imagined the well-fed fellowship of a proper dinner on the grounds.

The class was called back together by David Olson leading 65. Leaders: Emily Ross 63; Don Bowen 517 (in memory of his father, E.C. Bowen); Abbie Sorg 72b; Hugh McGuire 332; Steven P. Anderson 284; Leah Coffin 70b; Lena Strayhorn 349; Hannah Blair 313b; Delbert Long 324 (in memory of John Prine); Julia Zaffarano 146.

David Olson offered the closing prayer, we sang 147b, and the class was dismissed with heartfelt wishes to meet again soon, in the digital square, and in person as soon as we may.

Streamers: Peter Stenshoel and David Olson (Los Angeles, CA), Irene Gilb (Santa Fe, NM), Julia Zaffarano (Denver, CO), Emily Ross (Chestertown, MD), Alison Fisher (Los Angeles, CA), Lisa T. Bennett (Atlanta, GA), Esther Morgan-Ellis (Dahlonega, GA), Erin Fulton and Tim Gregg (Lexington, KY).

Chairman—Irene Gilb; Chaplains—David Olson and Peter Stenshoel; Secretary—Hannah Blair