Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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William J. Reynolds Sacred Harp Singing

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The 34th annual Sacred Harp Singing was held in the Memorial Building at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, on the last Saturday in January. This is the twenty-seventh year that the 1991 Revision of the Sacred Harp has been used. Robert Vaughan called the class to order at 9:30 a.m. by leading 460. Scott Aniol offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Tim Reynolds 59; Gaylon Powell 171; Robert Vaughn 142; Bruce Coates 34b; Sarah Huckaby 277; William Price 448t; Beverly Coates 373; Chelsey Miller and Luann Thomas 63; Jerry Ryan 145t; Nancy Price 38b; Jesse Latimer 481; Matt Sikes 72b; Tim Reynolds 313b; Lisa Mutt 163b; Dan Brittain 209; Kristie Powell 430; Mike Hinton 475; Gaylon Powell 434; Bruce Coates 503; Sarah Huckaby 299.


Leaders: Scott Aniol 268; William Price 31t; Naomi Barrett and Caroline Jansen 138b; Barbara Smith 122; Donna Hopson and Cindy Chae 81t; Beverly Coates 225t; Melody Hurd 344; Chelsea Miller 284; Scott Stice and Christopher Rosales 569b; Joshiah Horton 128; Russell Farnell and son 45t; Susannah Scheller and Keiran Jackson 310; Cody Wilhelm 159; Myunghee Lee and Jisoo Kim 491; Tim Bausum 314; Innocent Lunga 144; Timothy Emery 35; Kaitlyn Gest and Susannah Scheller 300; Daniel Yoon 447; Jun Hyuk Ahn 234; Tim Reynolds “Swarens”.


Leaders: Scott Aniol 148; Jerry Ryan 318; John Gray 558; Nancy Price 168; Stephen Dalton 276; Jesse Latimer 157; Matt Sikes 275b; Lisa Mutt 47t; Nathan Krell 274t; Dan Brittain 351; ShanSan Tao 274b; Kristie Powell 500; Robert Miller 323b; Mike Hinton 495; Yuri Matsuura 72t; Gaylon Powell 131b; Nhue Ngoe Le 45b; Muranna Bickton 128; Lawei Zheng 159; Robert Vaughn “Highland Traveler”; Annie Dong 63; Bruce Coates 515; Mark Sanchez 568; Sarah Huckaby 163t; Travis Pierson 129; William Price 58; Barbara Smith 29t; Beverly Coates 499; Chelsea Miller 49b; Jerry Ryan 408; John Gray 27; Tim Reynolds 208; Scott Aniol 66.

Scott Aniol offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Scott Aniol; Vice Chairman—Matthew Sikes; Secretaries—Catherine New and John Gray