Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Tri-County Sacred Harp Singing

Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, Alabama

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The 8th annual Tri-County Sacred Harp Singing was held on Saturday before the third Sunday in November, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Note: lessons followed by (CB) were sung from the Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition, others from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition.

Bill Hogan called the class to order by leading 73t, 36b, and 186. He welcomed everyone. Tommy Spurlock offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Nancy Hogan 145b (CB), 480; Judy Chambless 146, 318; Ann Gray 84, 142; Steve Grauberger 546 (CB), 335 (CB); Wynette Smith 461 (CB), 405 (CB); Tommy Spurlock 376 (CB); Robert Chambless 55 (CB), 392 (CB); Stanley Smith 491 (CB), 373.

The following officers were asked to serve: Chairman—Bill Hogan; Vice Chairman—Stanley Smith; Arranging Officer—Judy Chambless; Secretary—Nancy Hogan.


Bill Hogan led 455 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Gary Padgett 377, 532; Alice Sundberg 591 (CB); Jack Nelson 408, 560; Barbara Jones 72 (CB), 276 (CB); Ken Sundberg 439 (CB), 112 (CB); Janet King 82 (CB), 270 (CB); Larry Shaw 479, 565; Karen Clark 585 (CB), 520 (CB); Aubrey Barfield 497 (CB), 214 (CB); Hubert Nall 47t (CB), 84 (CB); Chris Parris, Jillian Parris, and Jarrod Parris 463 (CB), 45t (CB); Wayne Jones 500 (CB), 395b (CB); Chip Westbrook 513t (CB). The class sang 369. Aubrey Barfield asked God’s blessings for our time together and the noon meal.


Bill Hogan led 453t (CB) to begin the afternoon session. Leaders: Jewel Rowland 143 (CB), 340 (CB); Jeff James 341 (CB), 291 (CB); Deborah Boykin 571 (CB); Nancy Hogan 95b (CB); Tommy Spurlock 516 (CB); Hubert Nall 176b; Karen Clark 504t (CB); Ann Gray 178; Larry Shaw 505 (CB); Wayne Jones 464 (CB); Steve Grauberger 128 (CB); Ken Sundberg 299 (CB); Wynette Smith 507b (CB); Robert Chambless 66; Jewel Rowland 120 (CB); Alice Sundberg 440b (CB); Deborah Boykin 319 (CB); Jeff James 127 (CB); Gary Padgett 189 (CB); Aubrey Barfield 172 (CB); Chris Parris, Jillian Parris, and Jarrod Parris 35; Jillian Parris 159 (CB).

Announcements were made. Ann Gray, Bill Hogan, and Nancy Hogan led 323t (CB) as the closing song. Aubrey Barfield offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Bill Hogan; Vice Chairman—Stanley Smith; Secretary—Nancy Hogan