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New England Sacred Harp Convention

South Kingston Land Trust Barn, South Kingston, Rhode Island

October 3-4, 2015

Saturday, October 3

The 40th session of the New England Sacred Harp Convention was called to order by Lynne deBenedette, who led 82t. Liz Cantrell offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Erik-Dardan Ymeraga 151; Liz Cantrell 52t; Jesse C. Polhemus 26; Laura Hodges 131b; Sophie Soloway 548; Vale Cofer-Shabica 215; Serena Putterman 399b; John Hughes 497; Tara Mulder 324; Chris Coughlin 432; Nathan Bergmann-Dean 77t; Pat Callahan 380; Patrick Friesen 299; Christina Wallin 187; Chris Noren 49b; Laura Borrelli 209; Bill Holt 352; Molly Bledsoe 200; Micah John Walter 111b; Emily Hale Sills 276; Sally Langendorf 540; Ron Trial 479; Susan Jaster 326.


Kiri Miller brought the class back to order by leading 448b. Leaders: Michael Nord 371; Martha Murray and John Gamble 38b; Tom Malone 283; Celia Wolf-Devine 48t; Chris Coughlin 358; Mel Novner 396; Sheila Kelley 224; Kyle Greeling 91; Leah Velleman 500; Sharon Lehr 315; Willis McCumber 33t; Emma Swartz 37b; Eric Hildebrant 236; Claudia Smigelski 503; Jeremy Galvagni 379; Maura Burns 201; Cora Wareh 481; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 377; Ivy Hauser 464; Gabriel Kastelle 506; Deborah Marsh 72b; Vicki Hayes 102; Jack Coughlin and Chris Coughlin 278t. The dinner blessing was given by Liz Cantrell.


Alvaro Witt Duarte brought the class back to order by leading 73t. Leaders: Sasha Hsuczyk 568; Tarik Wareh 44; Kelsey Ivey 309; Myles Louis Dakan 397; Elizabeth Stoddard 564; David Brodeur 368; Alexa Gilmore 424; Oliver Kindig-Stokes 470; Ann Riley Gray 523; Lu Zeng 203; Mike Richards and Richard Ivey 202; Ina Shea 204; Andre Kuney 440; Karen Freund and Gloria Freund 300; Terry Ryan 113; Cheri Hardy 542; Andy Ditzler 436; Emily Hancock 335; Faiz Wareh 292; Philippa Stoddard 320; Dan Hertzler 378t; Sam Kleinman 269; Anya Skibbie 474; Charles Biada 480.


Ben Bath brought the class back to order by leading 192. Leaders: Allison Steel 328; Ben Sachs-Hamilton 228; Mary Andrews and Christine Andrews 378b; Neely Bruce 32t; Molly Merrett 214; Brooks Chupp 268; Linda Shea 306; Ann Kazlauskas 82b; Keillor Mose 332; DJ Hatfield 475; Dennis O’Brien and Lyra O’Brien 456; Bob Parr 142; Rebecca Maxfield 535; George Sigut 448t; Joanne Fuller 460; Becky Wright 322; Traci Naylor 383; Gerald Clark 36t; Jonathan Spencer and Leonard Spencer 245; Angharad Davis 428; Robert Stoddard 138b; Ines Luttgen 458; Jesse Vear 312b; Aldo Ceresa and Ian Quinn 156; Pattie Wareh 472; Scott Luscombe 127; Mary Skidmore 27.

Lynne deBenedette, Liz Cantrell, and Erik-Dardan Ymeraga led 146 as the closing song. Liz Cantrell dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, October 4

The Sunday session of the New England Sacred Harp Convention was called to order by Lynne deBenedette, who led 36b. Liz Cantrell offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Liz Cantrell 40; Erik-Dardan Ymeraga 61; Jesse C. Polhemus 495; Laura Hodges 168; Chris Coughlin 106; Molly Bledsoe 485; Elizabeth Pilar 505; Leah Velleman 423; Paula Picton 399t; Vale Cofer-Shabica 47b; Jeremy Galvagni 74b; Sophie Soloway 421; Emily Hancock 442; Tarik Wareh 64; Joanne Fuller 121; Philippa Stoddard 348b; Charles Biada 100; Kyle Greeling 178; Angharad Davis 57; Anya Skibbie 171; Sam Kleinman 313t; Deborah Marsh 134; Kiri Miller 430.


Patrick Friesen brought the class back to order by leading 319. Leaders: Eric Beecher 67; Ina Shea 404; David Brodeur 547; Chris Coughlin 176t; Joanna Lieberman and Natalie Lieberman 434; Laura Clawson 186; Chris Frantz-Dale 99; James Baumgartner 200; Devereux Fuller 268; Jesse Vear 159; Scott Luscombe 376; Ines Luttgen 419.

Elizabeth Stoddard led 201 for the following sick and homebound: Susan Bingham, Elsie Eberly, Marcia Rutledge, Joe Leonard, Doris Damon, Matt Pasl, Jeff, David Strather, Toni Strather, Dorothy Counor, Dot Goode, Gwen Gethner, Katherine Glatter, Loraine Bayer, Tom Padwa, Joanne DeVoe, Susan Mampre, and Pam Regan.

Kelsey Ivey directed the memorial lesson, leading 499 in memory of the following: William “John” Furness Maxfield—England; Raymond Hamrick and Robert DePoy—Georgia; Robert Kemper and Patrick Dugan—Tennessee; Robert DuPree—Alabama; David Wampler—Pennsylvania; David Hanson, Betty Kis, and Charles Kis—Maine; Arthur Tucker—Rhode Island; Dan Adams and Kathy Eastwood—Connecticut; Juliette Ayotte—Florida; Dwight Speer—Arkansas; Nicholas Polster—California; George Benedetto—New York; Anne Griffin—Virginia; Pete Juntunen and Amalie Scheltimier—Massachusetts. Liz Cantrell concluded the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Cheri Hardy 86; Cora Wareh 272; Leonard Spencer 250; Susan Jaster 157. The dinner blessing was given by Liz Cantrell.


Nathan Bergmann-Dean brought the class back to order by leading 29t. Leaders: Ian Quinn 411; Andy Ditzler and Aldo Ceresa 532; Robert Stoddard 546; Karen Freund 308; Mel Novner 298; Kelsey Ivey 522; Lu Zeng 277; Alvaro Witt Duarte 528; Linda Shea 55; Mike Richards 498; Traci Naylor 142; Willis McCumber 500; Oliver Kindig-Stokes 386; Ivy Hauer 302; Tim Eriksen and Eliasz Eriksen 236; Ben Bath 196; Becky Wright 447; Deidra Montgomery 197; Dan Hertzler 198; Sasha Hsuczyk 453; Chris Noren 162; Kelly House 384; Michael Nord 218; Emma Swartz 217; Faiz Wareh 471; Gedney Barclay 126.


Tara Mulder called the class back to order by leading 65. Leaders: Micah John Walter 216; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 189; Ann Riley Gray 454; Magdalena Eriksen 95; Donna Carlson 496; Richard Ivey 426t; Kshama Ananthapura 270; Julius Pascry 354b; Kerry Culinan 68b; Pat Callahan 101t; Gerald Clark 365; Pattie Wareh 327; Aldo Ceresa 297; Rebecca Maxfield 245; Elizabeth Stoddard 213t; John Hughes 70b; Jonathan Spencer 101b; Paula Picton and Alanna Pyke 300; Mary Skidmore 567; Jenny Wright 504; Elizabeth Pilar 373; Anne Kazlauskas 195.

Announcements were made, including the announcement that the 41st session of the New England Sacred Harp Convention will be held in Connecticut in 2016. Treasurer Chris Coughlin reported that all expenses had been met. Lynne deBenedette thanked the convention officers and committee members for their service.

Lynne deBenedette, Liz Cantrell, and Erik-Dardan Ymeraga led 62, and the class took the parting hand. Chuck Micciche offered the closing prayer.

Chairperson—Lynne deBenedette; Vice Chairperson—Liz Cantrell; Vice Chairperson—Erik-Dardan Ymeraga; Secretary—Jesse C. Polhemus