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Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing

Morton, Washington

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The 35th annual Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing Association met in Morton, Washington, on Saturday before the first fifth Sunday following the fourth of July. The class was called together by Richard Ivey leading 52t. The opening prayer was offered by Ethan Hardy.

A business session was held with the following officers elected: Co-Chairpersons—Kate Coxon and John Wiens; Vice Chairwoman—Miranda Fetrow; Secretary—Sophia Schinske; Treasurer—Peter Schinske. The business session was closed.

Leaders: Kate Coxon and John Wiens 144; Sophia Schinske 68b; Miranda Fetrow and Clarissa Fetrow 40; Ethan Hardy 133; Kate Fortin 421; Bruce Roberts and Karen Willard 172; Marla Elliott 501; Sean MacPhearson 285t; Cecil Godfrey 37b; Lyle Lindsey 466; Anne Huckins 313b; Steve Helwig and Margie Marten and Zachary Marten 163b; John Berendzen 73b; Stephanie Argo and Ben Copenhaver 270; Kathy Vlach 565; Dan Thoma 42; Betsy Jeronen 422.


The class was called back together by Steve Cackley leading 61. Leaders: Jennie Brown 171; Kate Fine 369; Steve Copeland 455; Jack Lofton 215; Brian Harris 81t; Kramer Klein 378b; Peter Schinske 186; Joel Menk 137; Amandeep Gill 448t; Dave Barber 444; John David Thacker 56t; Jake Hachey 300; Susan Helf 112; William Gilman 410b; Leigh Cooper 456; Evelyn Lamb 352.


The class was called back together by Marla Elliott leading 31t. Leaders: Elaine Denny 38b; Marie Brandis 212; Pat Coghlan 542; Ben Copenhaver 543; Emily Owens 182.

The memorial lesson was held, and Adam Berey read the list of names of the sick and shut-ins. He led 47t in their honor. Ethan Hardy then read the list of names of the deceased, and led 320 in their memory.

Leaders: David Wright 368; Richard Ivey 411; Stephanie Fida 567; Nathan Berry 132; Amanda Jokerst 67; Aldo Ceresa 532; Mary Gowins 192; Wing Mui 324; Chris Coughlin 399b; Becca Gibson 430; Erik Schwab 140; Lindy Groening 214.


Anna Stoerch opened the afternoon session leading 445. Leaders: Jerry Schreiber 362; Thom Fahrbach 553; Erika Wilson 51; Alexa Copeland 474; Gabriel Kyne 436; Kevin Beirne 340; Clarissa Fetrow 202; Nancy Mandel 564; Kevin Barrans 399 (t? b?); Edward Rice 201; Mark Godfrey 204; Elise delMas 216; Jeff Begley 284; Cornelia Stanton 473; Jenna Tompkins 551; Joel Chan 148; Ana Tighe 500; Noelle Copeland 70b; Bob Schinske and Zoe Scofield 550; Steve Cackley 502; Evelyn Lamb 486; Lu Zeng 29b; Adam Berey 86; Laura McMurray 512; Harrison Bernstein 457.


Marie Brandis led 29t to bring the class together. Leaders: Mary Gowins 283; Karen Willard 151; Linda Berkemeier 480; Nathan Berry 227; Mark Godfrey and Leigh Cooper 384; Amanda Jokerst 59; Chris Coughlin 425; Jake Hachey 108b; Noelle Copeland 518; Dave Barber 272; Aldo Ceresa 280; Amandeep Gill 48t; Lindy Groening 548; Dan Thoma 64; Nancy Mandel 313t; Emily Owens 385b; David Wright 442.

A business session was held for the purpose of hearing reports from all the committees. The Location Committee reported that the 36th session of the Young People’s Singing, in 2016, will be held in Atlanta, Georgia. The Resolutions Committee expressed thanks and resolved to meet again next year. The Finance Committee was pleased to report they met their expenses. Announcements were made.

John Wiens and Kate Coxon led 45b as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Adam Berey.

Co-Chairpersons—John Wiens and Kate Coxon; Vice Chairwoman—Miranda Fetrow; Secretary—Sophia Schinske