Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Antioch Baptist Church

Ider, Dekalb County, Alabama

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The annual Sacred Harp singing held at Antioch Baptist Church, Ider, Alabama, was held on the second Sunday in April. The class was called to order by Marty Wootten and David Saylors leading 47t. Marty Wootten, David Saylors, and Verlon Stiefel led 72b. The opening prayer was offered by VerIon Stiefel.

Leaders: Marty Wootten and David Saylors 87; Teresa Saylors 277; Shawn Carroll 28b; Chase Townson and Logan Townson 59; Colby Brown 48t; Stacy Wootten and Luchie Wootten 441, 67; Raven Townson and Dani Townson 171, 68b; Damian Wootten 148; David Townson and Jake Smith 511t (CB); Kennedy Wootten, Jeffrey Wootten, and Cole Wootten 460; Phil Townson and Danette Townson 511b (CB); Eschol Hughes 542; Jackson Harcrow 129; Henry Johnson 135; Phil Summerlin 29t; Susan Pilcher, Stacey Pilcher, Jennifer Cook, and Venita Wootten 196, 106 (both songs in memory of Phillip Wootten); Sarah Wootten, Ollie Vaughn, and Michael Vaughn 209; Robin Smith, Pat Moore, and Sharon Webber 36b, 203; Sonny Erwin 489; Myra Dalton and Alex Brown 348b (in memory of Myra’s dad).


Aaron Wootten led 39t to bring the class together. Leaders: Scott Ivey 458; Linda Thomas 131b; Mel Kersey 565.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Dewayne Wootten and Terry Wootten. They led 147t in honor of the following deceased: Betty Wright, Hobert Ivey, Raymond Hamrick, Joyce Harrison, Ruth Densmore, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Jean Ballinger, Donna Ruth Wootten Durden, Phillip Wootten, and Olivia Moore Allen.

Dewayne and Terry led 572 (CB) in honor of the following sick and shut-ins: Don Bowen, Wayne Reed, S.T. Reed, B.M. Smith, Margie Smith, Cleva Dell Blevins, and Dub Mitchell. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer offered by Bro. Chris Boggs.

Leaders: Claudene Townson, Phil Townson, Danette Townson, Raven Townson, Dani Townson, David Townson, Sherri Townson, Chase Townson, Logan Townson, Heath Townson, Tiffany Townson, Cash Townson, and Sophie Townson 540 (CB); Jerry Creason and Levon Wootten 38b; Linton Ballinger 339; Ed Thacker 538; John Plunkett 486; Susan Cherones 300; Rick Foreman 56t; Robert Chambless 84 (for Eugene Forbes); Steven Miller 178; Karen Rollins 222; Brenda Carroll and Carolyn Bullock 384; Cheryl Foreman 318; Sierra Saylors 481; Laura Densmore 349; Judy Chambless 472 (for B.M. and Margie Smith). Phil Summerlin asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Marty Wootten and David Saylors leading 30t. Leaders: Richard Ivey 371; Cheyenne Ivey 172; Dewayne Wootten 176b; Reba Windom and Marty Wootten 546; Amber Saylors and David Saylors 59; Kendra Strickland 47b; Rodney Ivey 500; Michelle Boggs and Isaac Boggs 571 (CB); Shane Wootten, Loyd Ivey, and Eloise Wootten 445 (in memory of Hobert Ivey); Louis Hughes 496; Kate Heil and Steven Miller 63; Delda Lee 49b; Jenny Mann, Aaron Wootten, Jeffrey Wootten, and Marty Wootten 97; Louis Hughes, Jr. 77b; Syble Adams, Pam Wilkerson, Rhonda Arnold, and Jenny Mann 448t; Marion Biddle, Pam Wilkerson, and Loyd Ivey 424; Donna Wootten 314 (in memory of Milton Oliver); Jared Wootten, Jamey Wootten, and Hayden Wootten 182; Tom George and Dennis George 434; C.J. Odell, Jackson Harcrow, and Aaron Wootten 76b; Terry Wootten, Karolina Mann, Kaylee Mann, Karly Mann, Sheila Wootten, and Aaron Wootten 45t; Levon Wootten, Amada Garner, Patricia Wootten, and Marty Wootten “Pass Me Not”; Britt Mann and Karly Mann 99; Coy Ivey 465 (CB); Lorrie Wootten and Rodney Ivey 47t, 30b; Nate Green and Norma Green 418; Marlon Wootten, Carolyn Bullock, and Brenda Carroll 163t; Reba Windom and Marty Wootten 505 (CB); Jenny Mann “Sweet Beulah Land”.

David Saylors and Marty Wootten led 146 as the closing song. Ed Thacker offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairmen—Marty Wootten and David Saylors; Secretary—Teresa Saylors