Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Rogers Memorial Singing

Ephesus School, Roopville, Georgia

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The annual Rogers Memorial Singing was held on the first Sunday in March. The class was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Denney Rogers leading 101t. The opening prayer was offered by Henry Johnson. Denney Rogers welcomed everyone to Ephesus.

A business session was held with the following officers elected: Chairman—Denney Rogers; Vice Chairman—B.M. Smith; Secretary and Arranging Officer—Karen Rollins; Memorial Committee—Sherry Lovvorn and B.M. Smith.

Leaders: B.M. Smith 318; Cecil Roberts 97; Eli Hinton 146; Betty Shepherd 216; Robbie Rivers 480; Winfred Kerr 282; David Brodeur and Trevor Goble 180; Cheyenne Ivey 186; Jack Nelson 47t; Kathy Williams 160 (t? b?); Loyd Ivey 34t; Jackie Tanner 89; Lauren Bock 88t; Bobby Watkins 460; Lela Crowder 39b; Louis Hughes 403.


Leaders: B.M. Smith 389; Karen Rollins, Karleen Williams, Paige Harrod, Sherry Lovvorn, and Denney Rogers 100; Larry Ballinger 224; John Kelso 423; Wyatt Denney 47b; Trevor Goble 128; Angela Myers 345t; Richard Mauldin 43; Jeannette DePoy 142; Buell Cobb 230; Jared Wootten 155; Bridgett Hill Kennedy 129; Oscar McGuire 573; Philip Denney and Karis Askin 457; Erica Hinton 527; Jesse P. Karlsberg 572.


Rodney Ivey and Pam Nunn brought the class back to order by leading 298. Leaders: Scott DePoy 114; Lisa Bennett 77b; Tommie Spurlock 475; Beverly Thompson, Randa Harris, and Barry Rollins 143; Marilyn Bradley 124; David Ivey 141; Malinda Snow 512; Matt Hinton 99; Reba Windom and Shelby Castillo 434; Mike Richards 66; Beverly Thompson and Jade Thompson 354b; Glenda Collins and Burt Collins 340; Earl Ballinger 162; Judy Caudle 422; Marty Wootten 312b.


The class was called to order by Denney Rogers leading 32t. Henry Johnson led 435, and then the memorial lesson was held. Sherry Lovvorn spoke of being helped by prayers and cards when she was ill. She then read the following names of the sick and shut-ins: S.T. Reed, Wayne Reed, Floy Wilder, Evelyn Harris, Beau Caldwell, Myrline Redmon, Toney Smith, and Lavoy Smith. Denney Rogers and his sisters led 405 for them.

B.M. Smith then spoke of the deceased, and led 285t for the following: Inez Chandler, Josephine Denney, Sandra Yarbrough Graham, Charlotte Rogers Hester, Don Harris, JoAnne Cook, Bill Wilson, Raymond Hamrick, Gary Wiggins, Wayne Prince, Letha Parmer, and Joyce Harrison—Georgia; Stanly Edwards, Sammie Oliver, Hobert Ivey, Betty Wright, C.T. Williams, and Jean Ballinger—Alabama; Danny Arms—North Carolina; Suzie Dickerson—Arkansas; Herman Allen—Florida; and Jean Black.

Leaders: John Plunkett 136; April Watkins and Taylor Watkins 64; Cindy Tanner 436; Stanley Smith 546; Anna Hinton 40; David Smead 466; Sheri Taylor 227; Charlene Wallace 283; Reba Windom 195 (in memory of Shelbie Sheppard); Jason Stanford 229; Larry Ballinger and Earl Ballinger 528; Stanley Smith and Tommie Spurlock 273; Judy Caudle, Angela Myers, and Bridgett Kennedy 440; Louise Holland, Kathy Williams, Louis Hughes, and Oscar McGuire 472; Betty Shepherd, Reba Windom, and Shelby Castillo 299; Jared Wootten and David Ivey 495; Scott DePoy, Jeannette DePoy, and guests 448t; Lauren Bock, Jesse Karlsberg, and David Brodeur 432; John Kelso, Lisa Bennett, and David Smead 130; Lela Crowder, Loyd Ivey, Bobby Watkins, and Richard Mauldin 270; Cheyenne Ivey, Karis Askin, and Wyatt Denney 76b.

After announcements, Scott DePoy, Jeannette DePoy, and their guests led 59. The officers led 46 as the closing song. David Ivey dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Denney Rogers; Vice Chairman—B.M. Smith; Secretary—Karen Rollins