Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Denney Memorial

Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church, Carrollton, Georgia

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Denney Memorial was held on Saturday before the first Sunday in November. The class was called to order by Tony Hammock leading 59. Philip Denney offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Tony Hammock 60; Philip Denney 100, 120; Judy Chambless 527, 501; Karen Rollins and Randa Harris 268 (for Barry Rollins), 178; Robert Chambless 224, 303; Wyatt Denney 143, 146; Cecil Roberts 135, 75; Charlene Wallace 99, 155; Shane Wootten 432; Henry Johnson 164, 166; Samuel Williams 277, 481.


Philip Denney, Isaiah Hornsby, and Karis Askin brought the class back to order leading 31b. Leaders: Lisa Bennett 461; Scott DePoy 65; Daniel Williams 434; Ann Gray 186; Virginia Dyer 63; Ray Rechenberg 480; Steve Helwig 386; Lauren Bock 181; Jim Neal 339; Jeannette DePoy 387; Chris Coughlin 213t; George Burnette 129; David Brodeur 351; Angela Myers 67; Shelby Castillo and Reba Windom 172; Judy Caudle 460.

The following officers were elected: Chairman—Tony Hammock; Vice Chairman—Philip Denney; Arranging Officer/Secretary—Judy Chambless. Cecil Roberts offered the blessing.


Philip Denney and grandchildren brought the class back to order leading 87. Leaders: John Kelso 349; Anna Hinton 300; John Plunkett 153; Eli Hinton 268; B.M. Smith 556 (in memory of Jeff and Shelbie Sheppard); Jason Stanford 548; Erica Hinton 335; Jack Nelson 180; Sharon DuPriest 318; Nate Green and Norma Green 43; Jerry Creason and Ann Sibole 547; Cheyenne Ivey 512; David Smead 498; Reba Windom 203; Susan Cherones 173; Matt Hinton 299; Marilyn Bradley 159; Kacey Askin 145b; Dick Plunkett 389; Ray Rechenberg 545; Steve Helwig 309.

After announcements, Tony Hammock and Philip Denney led 62 as the closing song. Cecil Roberts offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Tony Hammock; Vice Chairman—Philip Denney; Secretary—Judy Chambless