Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Maidencreek Singing

Leesport, Pennsylvania

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The 19th annual Maidencreek All-Day Singing was held on Saturday before Labor Day at Maidencreek Friends Meeting House. The class was called to order by Ina Shea leading 145b.

The following officers were appointed to serve: Chairman—Oliver Kindig-Stokes; Vice Chairman—Peter Frank; Treasurer—Ruth Wampler; Secretary—Micah John Walter; Chaplain—Chris Holley.

Chris Holley offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Oliver Kindig-Stokes and Peter Frank 282, 331; Micah John Walter 276; Ruth Wampler 379; Barbara Hohenstein 479; Guy Bankes 486; Lynne Hoyt 512; Michael Sensor 162; Lori Cabirac 42; Harry Scott 472; Bethany Towne 77t; Connie Webster 421; Lamar Matthew 35; Theresa Rodriguez 236; G.C. Waldrep 506.


Joel Bassett called the class back to order leading 59. Leaders: Leon Pulsinelle 137; Rachel Hall “Diana” (a lesson in English and German); Brian How 497; Drew Smith 99; Ruth Wampler 200; Len VanderJagt 350; Scott Robinson 49b; Ethan Sudan 86; Laura Densmore 456; Kathe Pilibosian 422; Terry Ryan 466; Barb VanderJagt 313b; Gina Balestracci 315; Gwen Gethner 216.


The class was called back to order by Aaron Weiss leading 82t. Leaders: Ted Stokes 92; Lindsay Kruse 217; Chris Holley 551; Sonia Chin 362; Jon Giles 511.

A memorial lesson was conducted by Chris Cotter leading 410b in honor of the following sick and shut-ins: Skip Trout, David Wampler, F.R., Sarah Lee Stokes, Martha Waide, Robert How, Shisue Sugimoto, Barbara Willard, Annie Dawson, Chelsea Balestracci, Berkley Moore, Claudene Townson, David Strother, and Adrienne Papermaster.

Katy Kanfer led 340 in memory of the following deceased: Lucy McIlvain, Laura Rhyne, Olga Haas, Dave Capron, Robert Koenig—Pennsylvania; Ria Pell-Georgia; Tommy Soper, Peggy Mister—Florida; Diane Mennella, Charles Waide—New York; Susan Weston, Hal Fleming, Daniel Riina, Dorothy Riina—New Jersey; Robert Kurtze, Jr.—Texas; Pete Domachuk—New South Wales; Sharon Kellam, Don Ward—North Carolina; Stanly Edwards—Alabama; Somen Goodman—Quebec; Fumie Murata, Phil Meske, Dean McNeil, Carroll Lunsford—California; Andria Ellis—Virginia. Chris Holley closed the memorial session with prayer.

Leaders: Joel Bassett 131b; Nancy Mandel 43; Gideon Dresdner 228; Matt Roberts 507; Eileen Metzger 522; Cory Noel 442; Ian Quinn 283; AIdo Ceresa 530. A blessing for the noon meal was offered by G.C. Waldrep.


The class was called to order by Micah John Walter leading 81t. Leaders: Angharad Davis 328; AI McCready 412; Julie Botnick 284; Sadhbh O’Flynn 444; Gerry Hoffman 218; Thom Metzger 433; Katy Kanfer 56b; Erik Schwab 492; Becky Wright 411; Dennis Leipold 105; Heather Ikeler 155; Jordan Lewis 547; Chris Cotter 192; Charles Biada 436; Paula Picton 318; Roland Hutchinson 380; Carol Huang 428; Sam Kleinman 214; Corinne Ducey 278t; Cecil Cook 47b; Marilyn Murata 195; Bridget Camden 133; Jim Strube 531.


The class was called back together by Elizabeth Pilar leading 29t. Leaders: Rachel Speer and Calvin Jens 145t; Jason Steidl 299; Mary Skidmore 71; Jacob Lee 481; Sasha Hsuczyk 460; Alex Forsyth 326; Dan Hunter 434; Ina Shea 312t; Steve Hoyt 452; Lorah Hopkins 320; Aaron Weiss 38b; Kirsten Jensen 168; Doron Henkin 550; Clare Maher 448t; Elizabeth Pilar 542; Ben Cocchiaro 454.

Oliver Kindig-Stokes led 62 as the closing song. Drew Smith offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Oliver Kindig-Stokes; Vice Chairman—Peter Frank; Secretary—Micah John Walter