Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Cane Creek Primitive Baptist Church

Cleburne County, near Heflin, Alabama

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The annual Decoration Day Sacred Harp singing at Cane Creek Primitive Baptist Church was held on the third Sunday in May. B.M. Smith called the class to order leading 101t. Ed Thacker offered the morning prayer. B.M. Smith led 32t.

Leaders: Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 290, 294; Judy Chambless 155 (for Evelyn Harris), 159; Cecil Roberts 35, 354b; Louise Holland 358, 323b; Robert Chambless 565, 354t; Ed Thacker 403, 500; Margaret Thacker 39b, 452.


B.M. Smith brought the class back to order leading 340. Leaders: Donna Bell 454 (in memory of LaRue Allen); Donna Bell and Charlene Wallace 77b; Charlene Wallace and Donna Bell 61, 63; Robby Rivers and Hugh McGraw 49b, 480; Kathy Williams 108t, 37b; Pam Nunn 381, 300; Winfred Kerr 282, 146; Ann Simpson 445, 378t.

A business session was held with the following officers retained or appointed: Chairman—B.M. Smith; Vice Chairman—Glenda Collins; Secretary—Donna Bell; Arranging Officer—Judy Chambless.

Leaders: Louise Holland, Kathy Williams, and Mandy Cummings 40, 59; Robert Chambless 75; Robby Rivers and Hugh McGraw 87; Virginia Dyer 137, 299; Margie Smith 225t; Margaret Thacker 303, 569b; Ginnie Prater 186.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Cecil Roberts. The sick and shut-ins honored were Lois Bowman, James Hughes, George Garner, Lucy Garner, Betty Wright, Evelyn Harris, Carol B. Sanders, Elder Neal Prichard, Melinda Hester, Dianne Goss, Lester Norton, Lewis Norton, Eugene Forbes, Floy Wilder, Hobert Ivey, Sylvia Holland, Nellie Mae White, and L.V. Yates. The deceased remembered were Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Lou Cotney, Carlene Griffin, Teenie Moody, C.T. Williams, Eddie Austin, Celia Teague Sanders, Joyce Huston Austin, Ilene Edwards Williams, and Gerald Brown. Cecil Roberts read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 before leading 163b. Charles Norton closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Charles Norton gave a brief cemetery report. He asked that cemetery work be put off until summer time because of the rainy weather and encouraged the use of natural flowers in the cemetery due to theft of silk ones from the graves of loved ones buried in there. Charles also stressed the importance of voting in the election on Tuesday, stating that is the responsible thing to do. Cecil Roberts offered the blessing of the noon meal at the tables.


The afternoon session of singing began with B.M. Smith and Rev. Sharon Waters leading 68b. Leaders: Fallon Cook 200, 401; Rene Greene 389, 440; Kathy Williams 348b; Charlene Wallace 347; Robby Rivers and Hugh McGraw 339; Ed Thacker 192; Robert Chambless 384; Ginnie Prater 143; Judy Chambless 472; Ann Simpson 358 (by request); Ruth Daniel 47t (for her sisters Evelyn Harris, Nellie Mae White, and Aline Harris); Virginia Dyer 127, 314; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 335; Lewis Norton 45t; Winfred Kerr 89; Cecil Roberts 229.

Following announcements, B.M. Smith led 46 as the closing song. Ed Thacker offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—B.M. Smith; Vice Chairman—Glenda Collins; Secretary—Donna Bell