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Boston All-Day Singing

Newton Highlands Congregational Church,
Newton Highlands, Massachusetts

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The 3rd annual Boston All-Day Singing was held at Newton Highlands Congregational Church, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts, on Saturday before the second Sunday in May. The class was called to order by Elizabeth Stoddard leading 33b. The opening prayer was offered by Robert Dove.

A business session was held and the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Joanna Lampert; Vice Chairman—Tom Malone; Treasurer—Joanne Fuller; Chaplain—Rev. Kenneth Baily; Secretary—Patricia Callahan.

Leaders: Joanna Lampert 61; Tom Malone 76t; Patricia Callahan 492; Alvaro Witt-Duarte 131b; Megan Jennings 203; Bill Holt 148; Cristin McMurray 319; Robert Dove 66; Jacqueline Barnard 569b; Sally Langendorf 106; Ben Sachs-Hamilton 107; Anne Kazlauskas 447; Myles Louis Dakan 230; Ron Trial 46; Bob Parr 475; Lucy O’Leary 436; John Bowman 77b; Katy Brown 441; Earl J. Kipp 89; Christian Hague 276; Natalie Jablonski 399b; James Baumgartner 270.


The class was called back to order by Laura Borrelli leading 29t. Leaders: Robert Stoddard 391; Emily Hancock 274t; Barbara Swetman 358; Al McCready 339; Nathalie Levine 48t; Leon Pulsinelle 198; Troad and Dan Hertzler 448t; Joanne Fuller 159; Ina Shea 26; Terry Ryan 42; Paula Picton 332; Michael Kaye 72b; Philippa Stoddard 411; Nancy Mandel 77t; Ian Quinn 134; Sonia Chin 545; Aldo Ceresa 68t; Jean Seiler 168; Ines Lüttgen and Troad 446; Eric Xu 183; Liz Cantrell 538; Martha Rogers 76b; Dan Hertzler 531; Emma Rose Brown 546; Jackie O’Riley 340; Ed Smith 304; Ariel Weinberg 481; Corinne Ducey 82t; Mary Jo Shafer 101t; Eric-Darden Ymeraga 532; Jen Agans 38b; Justin Levi 216; Kiri Miller 187; Sinead O’Mahoney 504. The blessing before lunch was offered by Rev. Kenneth Baily.


Justin Levi called the class back to order by leading 383. Leaders: Jean Seiler 472; Miles Louis Dakan 215; Lucy O’Leary 217; Ben Sachs-Hamilton 189; Patricia Callahan 302; Alvaro Witt-Duarte 430; Kshama Ananthapura 47b; Sonia Chin 182; Terry Ryan 193; Aldo Ceresa 218; Joanne Fuller 439; Eric Xu 433; Stephen Marini 365; Barbara Swetman 91; Leon Pulsinelle 86; Ina Shea and Nancy Mandell 181; Michael Kaye and Rachel Kaye 68b; Paula Picton, Angharad Davis, and Natalie Levine 547; Dan Hertzler 556; Philippa Stoddard 455; Matt Cartmill 312b.


Katy Brown brought the class back to order by leading 119. Leaders: Laura Borrelli 457; Eric-Dardan Ymeraga 347; Emma Rose Brown 280; Kiri Miller 144; Ron Trial, Michelle Goldhaber, and Pavlo Hrytsak 112; Liz Cantrell 522; Ines Lüttgen and Troad 208; Ed Smith 362; Martha Rogers 105; Troad and Ines Lüttgen 56t; Robert Stoddard 385t; Natalie Jablonski 344; Ian Quinn 345b; Mary Jo Shafer 335; Al McCready 306; Sally Langendorf 75; Earl J. Kipp 317; Jen Agans 278b; John Bowman 155; Sinead O’Mahoney 178; Bob Parr 542; Cristin McMurray 179; Christian Hague 348b; Bill Holt 48b; Kshama Ananthapura 37b; Libby Brownell 146; Elizabeth Stoddard 354t; Joanna Lampert and Tom Malone 318.

Announcements were made. The Treasurer reported that all expenses had been met. The Secretary reported that 101 singers from 9 states and 2 countries attended, and 63 leaders led 109 songs.

Joanna Lampert, Tom Malone, and Patricia Callahan led 62 as the closing song. Rev. Kenneth Baily offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Joanna Lampert; Vice Chairman—Tom Malone; Secretary—Patricia Callahan