Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Uncle Jack Kerr and Henry Kerr Memorial
Camp Ground Methodist Church,
North of Muscadine, Cleburne County, Alabama
Sunday, January 8, 2012
The annual Uncle Jack Kerr and Henry Kerr Memorial Sacred Harp singing held at Camp Ground Methodist Church, north of Muscadine, Cleburne County, Alabama, on the second Sunday in January was called to order by Henry Johnson leading 59. Cecil Roberts offered the opening prayer.
Leaders: Henry Johnson 88t; Tony Hammock 60, 61; Donna Bell 225t (for Lonnie Rogers), 101t; Robert Chambless 77t, 452; Karen Rollins 34b, 36b; John Plunkett 31b, 33b; Evelyn Harris 47t, 155; Jack Nelson 480, 438.
Tony Hammock brought the class back to order leading 321. In a business session, a motion was made to keep the same officers as follows: Chairman—Henry Johnson; Vice Chairman—Tony Hammock; Secretary/Arranging Committee—Donna Bell.
Leaders: Judy Chambless 114, 128; David Brodeur 143, 476; Rene Greene 216 (for Syd Caldwell), 276; Cecil Roberts 35, 82t; Fallon Cook 63, 40.
The class resumed singing with Henry Johnson leading 288. Leaders: Jeff Sheppard 293; Virginia Dyer 186, 112; Charlene Wallace 79, 85; Reba Windom 145t (for Bud Oliver), 299. John Plunkett offered the blessing before the noon meal.
The afternoon session of singing began with Henry Johnson leading 147b. Leaders: Robert Chambless 84; Karen Rollins 76b; John Plunkett 107 (in memory of John Shippee).
Members of the Kerr Family were asked to come forward. Jolene Loescher (a granddaughter of Uncle Jack Kerr), welcomed everyone, and gave a brief report with expressions of gratitude to those who came to make this a special day. She recognized Mrs. Irene Snow, age 95, daughter of Jack Kerr. Another daughter, Mrs. Lois Bowman, was unable to attend, but listened via cell phone. Various members of the Kerr Family introduced themselves and explained their relationship to Uncle Jack and Henry Kerr. Mrs. Loescher noted that Jack Kerr was a founder of the Cleburne County Sacred Harp Convention in 1889. The Kerr Family led 108t and 323b.
Leaders: Judy Chambless 516; Jack Nelson 266; Rene Greene and Pam Nunn 192; David Brodeur 503; Fallon Cook 146; Cecil Roberts 303; Charlene Wallace 167; Jeff Sheppard 172; Virginia Dyer (Editor’s note: no number listed) (for Lois Bowman); Tony Hammock 69t; Reba Windom 418; Donna Bell 274t (in memory of Dean Kerr Nelson).
Announcements were made. Henry Johnson led 45b as the closing song, and then offered the closing prayer. The class was dismissed.
Chairman—Henry Johnson; Vice Chairman—Tony Hammock; Secretary—Donna Bell